Piiriületus oli tore. Sain rahulikult autode vahelt läbi manööverdada, ootamata tundideviisi ummikus. Esimeste tundide jooksul hakkas silma kivisus ning väga napp taimkate. Kivisele tühermaale oli nagu üritatud midagi ehitada, kuid projektid olid üldiselt pooleli jäänud - need betoonist poolikud/mahajäetud rajatised olid oma kõledusega heaks jätkuks piiripunkti lähedal nähtule. Kahju et mul kaarti polnud.... natuke raske oli aru saada kus ma paiknesin.... Linnas siiski ostsin balkanimaade kaardi (millel paraku Albaania lõunaosa puudus, niisis olin mitme päeva kaugusel kaardile jõudmisest ;))
Crossing the border of Greece and Albania was funny - all the cars needed to stay and wait in the queue and I just passed them, showed my document, got some water from border police and continued. From border to Sarandë it was hard because of hot weather and, sad/abbandoned landscape and a lot of ruined gas stations :D. And another thing - I didn't have any map, so I was not sure about distances and altitude.
There was one small village on the road where I made my siesta.... my first contact with locals was nice. One guy spoke some english, another had quite good Italian and all others were good in body language..... what else can I want.
In Sarande I was hosted by two Macedonian guys who were in vacation there. Even though I didn't go to Macedonia I still got some idea of the country (people, some rakija and some advice).
09.08 Sarande-Butrint-Ksamil-Sarande-Gjirokaster
I was really tired, so I thought that maybe I should stay in Ksamil and have a day off....
Olin hommikul üli(üle)väsinud ning veeretasin juba mõtteid puhkepäevast mere ääres Ksamilis....
....It was beautiful and also kind of cheap there, but I got tired of beach vacation after 5 hours and made a new plan: to Gjirokaster (just beacause the name of the place sounded somehow funny)
...kuid, mitte liiga suure üllatusena, väsisin rannas olemisest 5 tunniga.... hoolimata sellest, et mulle see koht isegi meeldis. Uus plaan - ööseks Gjirokaster'sse
Out of Sarande I found some green nature in mountains. Really refreshing..... but it started to get dark, so I didnt have enough time to enjoy.
Mägedes tervitas mind rohelus ning sellele kiirelt järgnev pimedus :D
Õnneks oli seekordne ületatav mäestik madal, ning öötundidel sain nautida sirget teed tasasel maastikul - mugav, aga igav..... lausa nõnna igav, et pidin tegema väikese bakhlava ja interneti pausi suures, täiesti suvalises kohas asuvas magusarestoranis. Nohjahnoh, internetist niipalju, et sain teada kui hästi/halvasti oli läinud vehklejatel olümpiamängudel..... ei hakkaks siinkohal tsiteerima klassikute arvamust 4. koha kohta 😩
Aiiii, kurat, mis nüüd siis???
Trepist alla kõndimine tundus liiga aeganõudev, niisiis valisin kukkumise. Seal ma siis lebotasin, trepi ees nagu hunnik õnnetust, endal jalgratas tekiks peal.... lootsin, et keegi ei näinud. Väänasin korralikult parema jala hüppeliigest..... hea, et rattaga olin, sest kõndimine küll enam talutav polnud.
Veel 10 km igaval teel, natuke järsku serpentiini Gjirokaster'i kesklinna jõudmiseks ning kiiresti restorani jääd küsima. Seda lubati lahkelt, nii et kompressi sai hüpekale tehtud..... panin tähele, et restoranis, tänavatel ja baarides olid ainult mehed. Tekkis kerge uudishimu ning läksin sealsamas restorani terrassil istuvatelt meestelt selgitusi küsima. "Naised on kodudes ja tegelevad naiste asjadega"..... "Möh?" Tegin siis natuke lolli nägu, kuid koju naiste asjadega tegelema siiski ei läinud - ikkagi lahedad ja haritud tüübid olid, niisiis jäime hilisööni vestlema. Magama läksin Kreeka konsulaadi kõrvale mingi mingi okaspuu alla - superluks.
Fortunately mountains between me and Gjirokaster were quite low, so I had the rare possibility to enjoy flat landscape with straight road which was comfortable but so boring that I fell asleep. Bakhlava stop in a big sweet-restaurant next to the road in middle of nowhere.
Aiii, what the heck?? Yeah going down from scales takes too much time, so I prefered to fall down. I wrenched my ankle quite badly.... Good that I was by bike.... on foot it wasn't easy to go...
Last 10 km on boring road, up to the town and I had the possibility to relax :D. A bit of ice for my ankle from restaurant and observation- ready,steady, go! There were no women on streets, bars, restaurants..... So I disturbed some guys who were enjoying their wine on terrace of the restaurant, just to get some explanation. "Women are at home, doing women's stuff." Naaaahh, well, I stayed there, discussing until 3 am.
For sleeping I found a nice tree next to Greek consulate..... No, no I didn't climb up, I slept under the tree :D
10.08 Gjirokaster-Memeliaj
Beautiful town.... just everybody was looking at me with the face saying: "Who are you? What do you want? Did you come here to steal something?"
Uni tapab. Lõunauinak tanklas tundub kõige mõistlikuma lahendusena. Ning teine paus jões.... jne.....see päev koosnes pausidest. Lõpetasin sõidu plaanitust palju varem, osaliselt tänu Klevisele, kes hea seltskonnana päästis mu sellest agooniana näivast kulgemisest (kui on igav, siis sõidan, kui on huvitavaid inimesi, võin ka veidi aega paigal püsida).
Hard to move forward, so sleepy day....
So I stopped much earlier than planned, thanks to Klevis, a gentlemen who helped me out during this agony
Muuseas, vähemalt esimese kolme päeva jooksul tundsin ma end Albaanias vägagi ohutult, võrreldes näiteks Kreeka või Itaaliaga... Seal olid kõik tõsist muret tundnud kui mainisin, et lähen Albaaniasse ja eks-Jugoslaaviasse.... Ilmselt hea õnn :D.... Lisaks räägivad paljud albaanlased itaalia keelt, mis tähendab, et erinevalt Kreekast oli mul seal võimalik PÄRISELT suhelda.
By the way, during those three days I felt really safe, and also locals told me that leaving my bike where-ever I want is completely safe :D, I trusted them...... Before the trip everybody told me not to go to Albania,Bosnia and Serbia, because they are SO DANGEROUS! Maybe I had just good luck, or maybe it's just old preconception?
In addition, there are lots of albanians who speak italian, so it was possible to communicate.... much better than in Greece :D
Piiriületus oli tore. Sain rahulikult autode vahelt läbi manööverdada, ootamata tundideviisi ummikus. Esimeste tundide jooksul hakkas silma kivisus ning väga napp taimkate. Kivisele tühermaale oli nagu üritatud midagi ehitada, kuid projektid olid üldiselt pooleli jäänud - need betoonist poolikud/mahajäetud rajatised olid oma kõledusega heaks jätkuks piiripunkti lähedal nähtule. Kahju et mul kaarti polnud.... natuke raske oli aru saada kus ma paiknesin.... Linnas siiski ostsin balkanimaade kaardi (millel paraku Albaania lõunaosa puudus, niisis olin mitme päeva kaugusel kaardile jõudmisest ;))
Crossing the border of Greece and Albania was funny - all the cars needed to stay and wait in the queue and I just passed them, showed my document, got some water from border police and continued. From border to Sarandë it was hard because of hot weather and, sad/abbandoned landscape and a lot of ruined gas stations :D. And another thing - I didn't have any map, so I was not sure about distances and altitude.
There was one small village on the road where I made my siesta.... my first contact with locals was nice. One guy spoke some english, another had quite good Italian and all others were good in body language..... what else can I want.
In Sarande I was hosted by two Macedonian guys who were in vacation there. Even though I didn't go to Macedonia I still got some idea of the country (people, some rakija and some advice).
09.08 Sarande-Butrint-Ksamil-Sarande-Gjirokaster
I was really tired, so I thought that maybe I should stay in Ksamil and have a day off....
Olin hommikul üli(üle)väsinud ning veeretasin juba mõtteid puhkepäevast mere ääres Ksamilis....
....It was beautiful and also kind of cheap there, but I got tired of beach vacation after 5 hours and made a new plan: to Gjirokaster (just beacause the name of the place sounded somehow funny)
...kuid, mitte liiga suure üllatusena, väsisin rannas olemisest 5 tunniga.... hoolimata sellest, et mulle see koht isegi meeldis. Uus plaan - ööseks Gjirokaster'sse
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Rusud rusuval maastikul. Depressing landscape with abbandoned houses |
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Sarandest välja, Gjirokastër'i poole. |
Mägedes tervitas mind rohelus ning sellele kiirelt järgnev pimedus :D
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Mägedes.... täiesti uus keskkond taimkatte ja vulisevate ojade/allikatega. |
Õnneks oli seekordne ületatav mäestik madal, ning öötundidel sain nautida sirget teed tasasel maastikul - mugav, aga igav..... lausa nõnna igav, et pidin tegema väikese bakhlava ja interneti pausi suures, täiesti suvalises kohas asuvas magusarestoranis. Nohjahnoh, internetist niipalju, et sain teada kui hästi/halvasti oli läinud vehklejatel olümpiamängudel..... ei hakkaks siinkohal tsiteerima klassikute arvamust 4. koha kohta 😩
Aiiii, kurat, mis nüüd siis???
Trepist alla kõndimine tundus liiga aeganõudev, niisiis valisin kukkumise. Seal ma siis lebotasin, trepi ees nagu hunnik õnnetust, endal jalgratas tekiks peal.... lootsin, et keegi ei näinud. Väänasin korralikult parema jala hüppeliigest..... hea, et rattaga olin, sest kõndimine küll enam talutav polnud.
Veel 10 km igaval teel, natuke järsku serpentiini Gjirokaster'i kesklinna jõudmiseks ning kiiresti restorani jääd küsima. Seda lubati lahkelt, nii et kompressi sai hüpekale tehtud..... panin tähele, et restoranis, tänavatel ja baarides olid ainult mehed. Tekkis kerge uudishimu ning läksin sealsamas restorani terrassil istuvatelt meestelt selgitusi küsima. "Naised on kodudes ja tegelevad naiste asjadega"..... "Möh?" Tegin siis natuke lolli nägu, kuid koju naiste asjadega tegelema siiski ei läinud - ikkagi lahedad ja haritud tüübid olid, niisiis jäime hilisööni vestlema. Magama läksin Kreeka konsulaadi kõrvale mingi mingi okaspuu alla - superluks.
Fortunately mountains between me and Gjirokaster were quite low, so I had the rare possibility to enjoy flat landscape with straight road which was comfortable but so boring that I fell asleep. Bakhlava stop in a big sweet-restaurant next to the road in middle of nowhere.
Aiii, what the heck?? Yeah going down from scales takes too much time, so I prefered to fall down. I wrenched my ankle quite badly.... Good that I was by bike.... on foot it wasn't easy to go...
Last 10 km on boring road, up to the town and I had the possibility to relax :D. A bit of ice for my ankle from restaurant and observation- ready,steady, go! There were no women on streets, bars, restaurants..... So I disturbed some guys who were enjoying their wine on terrace of the restaurant, just to get some explanation. "Women are at home, doing women's stuff." Naaaahh, well, I stayed there, discussing until 3 am.
For sleeping I found a nice tree next to Greek consulate..... No, no I didn't climb up, I slept under the tree :D
10.08 Gjirokaster-Memeliaj
Beautiful town.... just everybody was looking at me with the face saying: "Who are you? What do you want? Did you come here to steal something?"
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Another sunny day, this time in grey town |
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Laskumine lossi juurest |
Hard to move forward, so sleepy day....
So I stopped much earlier than planned, thanks to Klevis, a gentlemen who helped me out during this agony
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Kompositsioon mäe, jõe, puude ja teepiirdega |
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Mõni hobune ikka peab teel olema. Diversity of vehicles |
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Värskendav jõgi. Refreshing river |
Muuseas, vähemalt esimese kolme päeva jooksul tundsin ma end Albaanias vägagi ohutult, võrreldes näiteks Kreeka või Itaaliaga... Seal olid kõik tõsist muret tundnud kui mainisin, et lähen Albaaniasse ja eks-Jugoslaaviasse.... Ilmselt hea õnn :D.... Lisaks räägivad paljud albaanlased itaalia keelt, mis tähendab, et erinevalt Kreekast oli mul seal võimalik PÄRISELT suhelda.
By the way, during those three days I felt really safe, and also locals told me that leaving my bike where-ever I want is completely safe :D, I trusted them...... Before the trip everybody told me not to go to Albania,Bosnia and Serbia, because they are SO DANGEROUS! Maybe I had just good luck, or maybe it's just old preconception?
In addition, there are lots of albanians who speak italian, so it was possible to communicate.... much better than in Greece :D