Donate the trip

You can donate the trip. Account: Anu Hark, EE862200221067441148

neljapäev, 31. august 2017


Finally something different. Maybe not in good sense, but still...

First thing to do was to get visa on airport. Before i had already done online application and got a permission letter. Now i just needed to fill some papers, pay 25 USD and thats it. All together around 45 USD.
Next step sleeping, because it was already night. I got from airport to Hanoi with a local bus.... really cheap one -only 0,5 USD..... and started walking to find some people to get some information. Really few of people i met spoke some english, but still they were helpful. There was a group of young people having kind of bbq picnic ona small street. They invited me to join and gave me a motorbike lift to a cheap hostel. Yeah,sometimes I need to use even hostels.

In the morning I started to look for a second hand bike to buy. After 4 hours of useless walking to places which i was recommended but didnt exist, i finally found some guys from bicycle rent and they found a bike for me. Some fixing and negotiating, and i got the bike for 24 USD.

My new bike. Her name is Concordia.

Do you know this bike producer?

After 4 days in Vietnam I've got really tired of the word "hello" because thats the only english word that most of the people know, so they repeat it as much as possible.... and almost everybody I see on the road says hello (its actually nice but in the end quite annoying). People are mostly working, having babies and drinking beer or an destillate which they call wine, but is more similar to vodka. Outside big cities people dont have hobbies like sport or music or arts... at least it seems like tat.
On the other hand local peole are quite welcoming and friendly (of course many of them think that europeans are rich as hell, so they try to doubble all the prices, but then i just need to negotiate a bit). Food is quite good and cheap. I tasted first time in my life bamboo and some weird mollusc...not bad. Snacks you can order with beer are also super, at least in the bar that i visited with my couchsurfing host in Lang Son.
Hanoi, active street life and every kind of vehicles. No rules in traffic

a friend

Estonians will understand the name. Anyway, caffe is really good in Vietnam

lake in Hanoi

still in Hanoi

Road to Ha Long

some communist memorial statue

Ha Long beach

Tuan Chau beach, a small island to take a ferry to Cat Ba island

Rocky Islands

Going towards north. mountains begin...

there are many possibilities to buy fruits and other stuff on roads.

In Vietnam only cows play football, others have better to do

again some memorial place on the road. unfortunately i didnt understand what was written there

tropical forest and mountains

some rice fields

river and still forest

the gate of a district. you will recognize some communist symbols

men at work

I missed the possibility to climb in Cat Ba Island, because it was raining heavily.... 3 days...and still raining probably. So i went to north, direction to mountains. Now maybe some trekking. BTW, I still dont have a tent and gas for camping, because in Vietnam they dont sell those things (they dont practise hiking, camping). I have been 3 nights in hostels and 2 nights hosted by people.I feel that i dont have freedom anymore, because i cant stay for night where ever i would like to.

laupäev, 26. august 2017


From Warsaw to Taipei I got by plane, quite rare, I know. 20 hours of travelling and there i was. Finally i found some warm weather. After scandinavian trip its really nice to be continuously sweating...

Competition didnt go well. Got three wins and three losses in qualification group and then lost against a Polish fencer 11:15.... so i didnt arrive into 32. So my final result was 55-th place.
Team competition was not much better. As all of us made quite poor individual result, we got ranked bad... 17-th. First opponent was Taipei which was ranked 16 th, so it was the match to get into first 16 teams. We won, not easily but still.... And then, to get into first 8 teams we needed to fence against first ranked Poland.  Well, we werent too bad, but still we lost 40:45. It hurts, because they were actually beatable, deffinitely strong but not impossible.
Team Estonia going to eat before competition
When competition is over, its time to enjoy life a bit other way - outdoors. Climbing it will be! Long Dong beach is perfect for that. Some local climbers like Roger, Anny,, Peter, Tiger and many others helped me there and introduced me some nice routes. perfect 2 days. 

selfie time. me, Roger, Ofelia and Tiger

...vol 2

getting back to Taipei

After climbing Roger introduced me a local street night market, where you can find different kind of local food. Much more interesting than Taiwaese food that they offer at athlete village.... no, im not complaining about food in village, I know that it need to be really safe and controlled and eatable for european taste, thats why it is so mild and a bit boring (but still quite good). I fell in love with sea food on this market.

teisipäev, 15. august 2017


Hey, friends and enemies, I am in Warsaw now. Arrived 2 hours later than estimated. 7 cars. At night i had  small tour in city... fortunately i found a welcoming group of young and funny people.
Today is a national holiday, so most of shops and lots of other places are closed..... but climbing hall is opened. Thats where i am at the moment.

pühapäev, 13. august 2017

Start. Donations needed. Olete kõik teretulnud spondeerima :D

Well, what can I say.... I start to move towards Warszawa now. What do you think how long does it take? I dont know.... Lets bet again, as always :D.
If some of you want to donate this trip, you are welcome to do it. Even though my travelling style is quite cheap and I can move around and eat almost for free, I still need to get in SE asia somehow. Visas and plane tickets are not very pocket friendly :/.
So, if you have too much money and no idea what to do with that, You will help me to cross South-east Asia by sending some donations on account: EE862200221067441148, receivers name: Anu Hark.
I´ll write again in next internet point or warszawa as I dont carry wifi in my pocket :D

Aeg minna. Suund: Varssavi. Millal ma kohale jõuan, ei tea, kuid võite taaskord teha panused. Kirjutage julgelt kommentaaridesse. Ise pakun et esmaspäeva õhtul kell 21.27 :D
Kuigi mu reisimisstiil on ei nõua üldiselt suuri kulutusi (söömine ja liikumine rattaga või häälega on peaaegu tasuta) on sel korral olukord veidi erinev. Kuidagi on vaja ju Aasiasse jõuda, ning lisaks lennupiletitele on külastatavates riikides vaja tasuda ka viisa eest.... ja mingi jalgratas on vaja osta.... ja telk, kuna seda käsipagasisse võtta ei saa, sest muidu ma võin vaiu kasutades lennuki kaaperdada.
Niisiis, kui keegi on huvitatud eesoleva reisi toetamisest, olete teretulnud seda tegema.
Kellel juhtub olema liiga palju raha, ning puudub idee, mida sellega peale hakata, siis lahendusi on palju. Üks neist on selline: kandke liigne summa kontole EE862200221067441148, saaja nimi: Anu Hark
Järgmine info reisi kulgemise kohta ilmselt Varssavis. Ei usu, et enne internetti leian..... ma ei kanna wifit taskus. ☝😁

neljapäev, 10. august 2017

Kagu-Aasia lennukiga, rattaga, jalgsi, häälega, hobusega? South-east Asia coming soon.

Universiaad Taipeis läheneb suure kiirusega ning tuleb vaim reisiks valmis seada (võistlused toimuvad 19.08-30.08). Kõigepealt hääletan Varssavisse ning seejärel lendan Taipeisse, kus ootab ees mitmekordset Lasnamäed meenutav, umbes 10000 sportlast majutav sportlasküla ning individuaalne ja võistkondlik epeeturniir. Peale võistlusi jätkan seiklemist Kagu-Aasias, sest kui juba nii kaugele minna, tuleb ka veidi sportlaskülast väljapoole piiluda. Kõigepealt lendan Taipeist Hanoisse (Vietnami pealinn) ning seejärel on plaan juba väga lahtine. Ronima.... tõenäoliselt ostan mõne kasutatud jalgrattarisu ning hakkan sellega läbi Vietnami, Laose ja Kambodža siksakitades Bangkoki poole sõitma. Pole aimugi, kuidas mul õnnestub ronimisvarustus, telk ja matkapliit käsipagasis Taipeist Hanoisse transportida.... veel hullem: kuidas saata tagasi Eestisse oma vehklemisvarustus?

Universiade in Taipei is getting closer and I need to get ready for travelling. Universiade is held from 19-th to 30-th of august and I´m gonna compete in individual and team competition in epee fencing. At first I need to get there.... it should be easy, just hitchhike to Warsaw and then fly to Taipei. After competition the real trip starts. If I´m already going to another side of the world I want to take maximum out of the situation, so I will travel 50 days in south-east Asia, probably biking from Vietnam to Bangkok through Laos and Cambodia. But, I have no idea where should I buy the bicycle and which places I am going to visit. Deffinitely I will make my way following some climbing places. Another question is: how to carry my climbing gear (quickdraws, carabiners and slings) and hiking stuff in hand luggage from Taipei to Hanoi.... and how to get my fencing equippment back to Estonia?