Ega ma kaua vist paigal ei suuda püsida. Emotsioonid viimatise reisi kaljuronimisest pole mälust sugugi kustunud ning tasasel maal elamine tundub aina raskemana. Ei-ei, veel pole tegemist emigreerumisega, kuid mõneks nädalaks lähen kaljudele rippuma (või hängima) küll. Stardiksin aprilli viimase nädala alguses ning naaseks..... millalgi. Plaan on hääletada alustuseks Lõuna-Poola või Põhja-Tšehhi, kohtuda Mischa ja ta sõpradega Saksamaalt ning 3-4 päeva seal ronida. Tjah, köis tuleb veel tekitada, aga see ainult tehniline probleem :D. Edasi laseks sakslastel ülikooli tagasi minna ning liiguks üksi edasi Sloveeniasse Ospi lähedale. Seal kõrguvad taeva poole päris aukartustäratavad kaljuseinad ;). Ning edasi - kõik teed viivad Itaaliasse?
Trentino-Alto Adige ning Friuli-Venezia Giulia ja Molise on kolm viimast maakonda, mida ma Itaalias veel väisanud pole.... Viimane jääb selgi korral ilmselt nägemata/katsumata, kuid kaks esimest asuvad just kenasti põhjas ning peidavad endas üksjagu ronimaterjali. Ootan pikisilmi. Kui kevad ei tule Anu juurde, läheb Anu kevade juurde... sama käib ka mägede kohta.
I can't stay without travelling very long, you know. I haven't forgotten the emotions from last travels climbing walls and people. Living in a place without mountains and rocks gets harder every day. No, don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna emigrate, I just plan to hang on some rocks some weeks. I'll start on the last week of april and return on..... one day. First I want to hitchhike to southern Poland or north of Czech Republic, meet my friend Mischa and his friends from Germany and climb there some days. I still don't have a rope, but it's only a technical problem... will be solved. Afterwards I'll let others to go back to university (good students as they are) and continue towards south... To Osp in Slovenia and Dolomites (Trentino-Alto Adige) in Italia.... All ways take me to Italia, doesn't matter where I want to go and why 😝. I'm looking forward already as the spring doesn't want to come to Estonia. I need to go, find the spring and take it home.
Trentino-Alto Adige ning Friuli-Venezia Giulia ja Molise on kolm viimast maakonda, mida ma Itaalias veel väisanud pole.... Viimane jääb selgi korral ilmselt nägemata/katsumata, kuid kaks esimest asuvad just kenasti põhjas ning peidavad endas üksjagu ronimaterjali. Ootan pikisilmi. Kui kevad ei tule Anu juurde, läheb Anu kevade juurde... sama käib ka mägede kohta.
I can't stay without travelling very long, you know. I haven't forgotten the emotions from last travels climbing walls and people. Living in a place without mountains and rocks gets harder every day. No, don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna emigrate, I just plan to hang on some rocks some weeks. I'll start on the last week of april and return on..... one day. First I want to hitchhike to southern Poland or north of Czech Republic, meet my friend Mischa and his friends from Germany and climb there some days. I still don't have a rope, but it's only a technical problem... will be solved. Afterwards I'll let others to go back to university (good students as they are) and continue towards south... To Osp in Slovenia and Dolomites (Trentino-Alto Adige) in Italia.... All ways take me to Italia, doesn't matter where I want to go and why 😝. I'm looking forward already as the spring doesn't want to come to Estonia. I need to go, find the spring and take it home.
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