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kolmapäev, 31. mai 2017

Hääletamine Kieli/Hitching to Kiel

31.05.2017, at 8 am
Umbes täpselt praegu hakkan tee äärde väntama, et hääletada marsruudil Tallinn-Varssavi -Kiel. Tehkem jällegi panused selle kohta kui kaugele ma keskööks jõuan!!

Almost right now I start to go to the road for a small hitchhiking. Before starting my bike trip I want to get to Kiel in north of Germany with my lovely bike. How much time it will take? Where can I arrive for midnight? Feel free to bet!

Värskendus: Arvasin, et jöuan vähemalt Leedu-Poola piirile, töenäoliselt Varssavisse, kuid tegelikkus oli veidi kurvem. Koigepealt käisin veel N6mme Matkamaailmast läbi ja täiendasin oma gaasivarusid. Aitäh neile, et nad mind kell 9 sisse lasid (tegelikult avavad nad kell 10). Vana-Pääsküla Statoilist viisid olm kutti mu Pärnu Nestesse, kus ootasin 6 tundi ilma igasuguse eduta.

Update: Before getting to hitching place I visited Matkamaailm (a shop for camping equipment) to buy some more gas for my stove. It was so nice of them to let me in at 9 o’clock despite the fact that they are actually opening at 10 :D. I assumed to arrive to Poland (in Warszawa) but the reality was different. I got quite easily to Pärnu and then I waited 6 hours in petrol station. 
There is my equippment for 45 days - there should be always one package of "Teekonna" candies. Teekond means journey
OK, parem minna tee pääle. Vihma sadas loomulikult :D. Löpuks peatuski üks auto ning transportis mu Iklasse. Sealt sain edasi minibussiga Riia ringile ning sealt ühe rumeenia rekka peale. Müüt rekkameeste ja rumeenlaste ohtlikkusest sai jällegi ninanipsu - tegemist oli vägagi meeldiva ja intelligentse inimesega. Liikumine oli aeglane ning juhi tööpäev (9 tundi) löppes Leedu pöhjaosas Pasvalyse lähedal. Jäin minagi rekkasse ööbima, sest pimedas mahajäetud tanklas pole erilist lootust kaugemale jouda.

It didn’t work at all... until I left petrol station and rode to the road. It was raining again. One young arborist stopped ant took me to the border of Estonia and Latvia. Then one empty bus took me to ring of Riga and from there I got a ride for next 24 hours. It was a Romanian trucker - really nice and intelligent guy (which shows again that our stereotype of truckdrivers and Romanians ar not very right). We stopped in Lithuania near Pasvalys for the night and continued to Warszaw next day.

Pasvalys-Warszawa sama rumeenia rekkamehega. 400 km 9 tunniga. Tere tulemast Poola. Teetööd ja palju ringristmikke. Rohkem ummikus istumist kui edasi liikumist. Vandusime juhiga voidu... tema v6itis :D.  Ööseks jäin tanklasse Grojecis- magamiskott lahti ja tuttu.

Pasvalys-Warszawa with the same romanian truck driver. 400 km in 9 hours 😱. Too many roundabouts and too much road construction.Welcome to Poland! I spent the night in one petrol station near Grojec (near Warszawa).

Sportautoga Poznani, 200 km/h (kiirematel hetkedel 240 km/h.... see on mu isiklik rekord nüüd). Berliini sain samuti kiiresti, tavalise autoga. Kahjuks ma m,agasin maha tankla enne pööret Hamburgi suunas, niisiis Berliini ringilt edasi saamine kujunes väga raskeks. I arrived to petrol station between Lübeck and Hamburg a bit before midnight, tried to hitch another 15minutes but than i lost my hope. I called Mischa and he came to save me. Hot shower and his grannys meatballs finished the day.

With sportcar to Poznan, 200 km/h. Compensating previous day. Then I got quite fast to Berlin as well (again with normal car). And now It got complicated.... nobody was going to my direction because I missed the turning point in Berlin ring.
To be continued....

teisipäev, 23. mai 2017

Preparations for bike trip

In june I'm gonna bike to Nordkap through Denmark, Sweden and Norway.... also a bit of Germany as I'll start from Kiel. It will be a bit more than 4000 km, a bit more than one month. The good thing is that it's polar day in north, so I can ride 24/7, or actually I think of riding at nights and climbing during the day..... and I need to fit some sleeping also to my plans :D

At the moment I'm not ready at all because my bike is too tired of last trips.... some 16000-17000 kms with one chain and cassette is way too much (at least I was told so in bicycle store). Also derailleur cable should be changed and breaks adjusted. It's my first time to fix those things, so lets see how it ends.
There are too many tools around me.You know (or probably not :D), in TERT (Tartu experimental bicycle factory/workshop) it's possible to use their tools to fix my bike by myself.....  one day i'll be experienced, muhahaaa ;)
Massimo in hospital (TERT- Tartu eksperimentaalne rattatehas- Tartu experimental bike factory)

Everything's gonna be allright!

pühapäev, 21. mai 2017

Map of the climbing trip

I put the route on the map
Nodes doesn't mean always stops...The map shows the way, not always visited places.

teisipäev, 16. mai 2017


Morning in Trento. View from my friends' place.
Last climbing day in Folgaria was super, despite the rain and thunder that welcomed us on afternoon. Compared the last day rock and grading of routes it was harder wall.... 5a was not as easy as it should have been ;). By the way the previous day i climbed also a 7b, which is much more than my actual level (some 6b) so i dont really trust those gradings ;)

Ok, thats it, party's over... Need to hitch back to Estonia. Kris took me to petrol station between Trento and Bolzano and here we go!
Preparations for hitching.... I found my old "POTENZA" sign when I tried to find "TOKYO" sign... You know, sometimes it's better to write something absurd, it catches more attention and increases the probability to get a lift.
Staying in petrol station and enjoying last moments in my paradise
I got to München with the one Kosovar and then troubles started... As it was already dark, I didn't find any lift. At 23 or smthng i was tired enough to not think normally, so i decided that going to  Passau is better than nothing.... and than i got again to austria...and got stuck there. During the morning I was only moving to wrong direction, just to get to the road where people are going to right direction.... but the day was not as bad as it seemed in the beginning - two young climbers picked me  from Graz to Vienna and as they had just bought a lot of used gear for little money i got a new old pair of climbing shoes (36,5 was deffinitely too small size for them).
From a petrol station near Vienna I got lift to Katowice (south of Poland) from an Italian guy who is doing bouldering and listening to Eddie Vedder... perfect. Basically 4 drivers of 6 who picked me up in Austria were climbers. Is climbing so popular in Austria or do only climbers understand hitchhiking there??
We arrived to Katowice at night, so I didn't continue hitching.... I was just too sleepy, as I had been on the road previous night. The first time in hotel during this trip... sponsored by driver. This time it was maybe the best solution, even though I like the idea to use mostly thousand stars hotels :D.
I was already tired of sitting in the cars, so I decided to go climbing somewhere near Katowice. I googled: "climbing in Katowice", and found this: a foreigners guide to rock climbing in poland. Next stop Podlesnice. 
Climbing shop (world) in Podlesice

Climbing camp in Podlesice

Horses between Podlesice and Morsko... walk-walk

Castle near Morsko. really close to climbing rock
On the top of an hill near Podlesice

Next time i will climb it... this time there were no people
Finishing climbing, trekking and tasting a good beer in the climbing world I raised up my thumb again. In small roads it's so easy to get picked up.... but usually for short distances. Anyway for the night I got near Warsaw (Yep, I kidnapped one guy who was already dreaming of his hotel in Warsaw, but then he picked me up and drove to other side of Warsaw... bad me, poor him :D).
Night was passing without big success (I wass kind of sleeping 2 hours in McDonalds, drinking hot tea and fighting with auto corrector in my phone). When it got light again I returne to the exit of petrol station and after 1 hour of waiting also one colleague joined me.... a German guy who was going to Kaunas and afterwardfs also Tallinn :D. We got a ride to Bialystok. That place was somehow mistaken- from that gas station nobody went to our direction, so we were changing places near by.... walking back and forward I don't know how many hours.... And Finally we were lucky- to Augustow. Then another walk, Lidl stop and a lift from a Latvian man to Riga (Kaunas for Benny). Almost at home, I understood it also from rain :)
Near Riga I almost got a ride from a geographer from my uni, but he was turning to Tartu too early, so it was better not to waste time and energy to make some space for me only for some miles. Still funny. Fortunately I didn't need to walk too long, because some lithuanians stopped and promised to take me to Salacgriva. In the end one of them changed car in Salacgriva and drove me to Tallinn (He have had the idea to go to Tallinn anyway, just some work took him to Riga on the afternoon.... but he still ended up in Tallinn, muhahaa 😆

reede, 12. mai 2017


Long time no writing. Means that i have had fun. I got from San Sebastiano al Vesuvio to Arco with 13 hours. Climbers and cyclers everywhere.
Falesia Policromuro, my climbing mates and some Latvians

Yeah, I have everything with me in this small backpack

Those rocks look climbable

Dead butterfly... walking down to town in the morning


My Hotel. Olive field under the castle

View to Arco from hotel of thousand stars
3 days on the same rock "Falesia Policromuro" because there were always somebody.

My home-wall for 3 days. A lots of routes and always somebody climbing.
 It was surprise for me that some other wonderful walls were kind of abbandoned - for example Belvedere
There were only 3 germans with one rope, so i couldn't join.

Well... There were many routes on Policromuro fortunately. Two days I was climbing with Bavarians and one day with locals. For one night i went to bolzano, because my climbing partners were returning to germany anyway so i took it as a possibility to explore a bit.... It was raining and ofcourse i didn't sleep that night....
Early morning in Bolzano

Deffinitely there are some churches :D
 I just stayed under some external roofs of houses and waited for daylight. In the morning i hitched back to Arco zone (Torbole), where i found a nice wall Belvedere which was empty unfortunately....

Ok, back to Policromuro where i joined three italian guys. Nice climbs. Also that night it was raining, even better - there was thunderstorm.... But i was too tired to worrie about it, i found a perfect sleeping place in the center of the town - a spot right under portici, next to a palm tree (sleeping under palms is a dream of many estonians)!
Isn't it nice?
View from my sleeping bag... I needed to dry my jacket
For saturday i finally found a climbing companion(s) Kris and Iolli. Falesia Vason (monte Bosone). Nice place and good company.... yeah lots of laughters.
Our lunch.... Iolli had made some piadini and muffins.... and I made caffe ofcourse

Belaying Iolli, who made the second climb in her life :D. Forza!

Doesn't it look like a lot of fun?

Arrived to the top

Looking for something in fissure

Please forgive me, but on climbing pictures there is usually only bottom

The quickdraw seems to be bigger than  me

Today (sunday 14.05.2017) again with Kris.... We are going to explore some other wall. Will be cavolo!!

kolmapäev, 10. mai 2017

looking for sunshine in south italy

Bad weather in trentino made me change my mind about not going to campania. I got a long ride from bressanone to roma. All night riding and i was in nice zone between roma and napoli....Sperlonga is another nice climbing place... There were no people unfortunately, but if there is no climbing there will be swimming - water was warm (more than 15 degrees i guess.
Near Latina which is one of the ugliest towns in Italia, architecture of Mussolini time... pines are still nice

Somebodys' backyard near Latina

If  I'd only remember the name of this town

Continueing my tradition to take photos in toilet. "I don't ask you to make it in the center, but at least make it inside!"

Already in Campania
For the night I arrived to Salerno. Next day was friday which means that most of people were working. There were nobody in Capo d'Orso. Same in monte san liberatore.
Climbing up from Salerno to Monte San Liberatore

Its Salerno down there

Yeah, there is a rock :D, next day there will be people

my hungry friend... he ate half of my mozzarella

Monte San Liberatore

Cows on the way

My friend was protecting me from bull attack
Then i got some info about missing climbing hall in salerno.... There was one hall in cava dei tirreni but it was closed unfortunately. If no fun, then wine

Huh saturday was fortunately more successful day than two previous. 7 hours in monte san liberatore.
Sunday palinuro with Antonio
Palinuro, a climbable rock next to the sea

reede, 5. mai 2017

rocking with friends

Last time i wrote i was probably in turnov (czech rep). For the evening i managed to arrive to Jelenia Gora to meet Mischa and his friends. As its normal for this kind of gipsies we were camping in a park in suburb of the town. Weather was everything else than good for next day. Ok, no climbing..... Or at least not in nature. In a pub we met some local climbers.... good info source :)
A lot to talk about.... returning from pub... freezing
somehow we survived the cold and rainy night (some of us suffering less and some a bit more)... lucky us that we we were 3 in our tent.
Cooking and cafeeing.... Nikhil is tasting some good stuff
View to industrial part of Jelenia Gora

Studying the neighbourhood

spring is still coming?

Walking in our garden :D

Next day there was a bit of sunshine, despite bad forecast. We knew that rocks are anway going to be wet so we just had a sightseeing, parkour and solo-climbing tour before going to liberec climbing hall.
If somebody says "The car is full", I imagine something like that

almost slacklining.... maybe railwaying

Not jumping FROM the bridge, but jumping TO the bridge

Mischa, being monkey

Thats the bridge where we were playing


Nikhil is practising bouldering

Two monkeys.... from different species?

One side...

...and another
 Actually it was even good that Nikil and Mischa had the possibility to try lead climbing indoors before going on real rocks. At night we continued as previous night - camping in park-forest near liberec zoo. It was nice to cook in the pedestrian road next morning... We were blocking the way only a bit ;)

It was GOOD weather finally
now we were really going to mountains. Sokoliki. Self belaying first time in our lifes ;). whohhoo.concentration of estonias was really high. First people we met on rock were estonians and of course i knew one of them -Rees taught us how to get down without harming the rope.
View from one of the big chimneys

Mischas first steps in science of outdoors climbing (and belaying)

up I go

Nikhil got to top

Mischa trying to do spaccata

last meters
 Not too much climbing this day but good tips deffinitely.
 what a cold night it was. Brr.... But the morning was beautiful and almost warm.... So for midday the place was quite full of people
We are not alone
This day it was more climbing

Mischa, doing some maneuvers with the rope


pure joy

At night we stayed there with our tent and bonfire.... To be ready for climbing next day....But it was raining in the morning, so we escaped to Wroclaw and explored another climbing hall