31.05.2017, at 8 am
Umbes täpselt praegu hakkan tee äärde väntama, et hääletada marsruudil Tallinn-Varssavi -Kiel. Tehkem jällegi panused selle kohta kui kaugele ma keskööks jõuan!!
Almost right now I start to go to the road for a small hitchhiking. Before starting my bike trip I want to get to Kiel in north of Germany with my lovely bike. How much time it will take? Where can I arrive for midnight? Feel free to bet!
Värskendus: Arvasin, et jöuan vähemalt Leedu-Poola piirile, töenäoliselt Varssavisse, kuid tegelikkus oli veidi kurvem. Koigepealt käisin veel N6mme Matkamaailmast läbi ja täiendasin oma gaasivarusid. Aitäh neile, et nad mind kell 9 sisse lasid (tegelikult avavad nad kell 10). Vana-Pääsküla Statoilist viisid olm kutti mu Pärnu Nestesse, kus ootasin 6 tundi ilma igasuguse eduta.
Update: Before getting to hitching place I visited Matkamaailm (a shop for camping equipment) to buy some more gas for my stove. It was so nice of them to let me in at 9 o’clock despite the fact that they are actually opening at 10 :D. I assumed to arrive to Poland (in Warszawa) but the reality was different. I got quite easily to Pärnu and then I waited 6 hours in petrol station.
OK, parem minna tee pääle. Vihma sadas loomulikult :D. Löpuks peatuski üks auto ning transportis mu Iklasse. Sealt sain edasi minibussiga Riia ringile ning sealt ühe rumeenia rekka peale. Müüt rekkameeste ja rumeenlaste ohtlikkusest sai jällegi ninanipsu - tegemist oli vägagi meeldiva ja intelligentse inimesega. Liikumine oli aeglane ning juhi tööpäev (9 tundi) löppes Leedu pöhjaosas Pasvalyse lähedal. Jäin minagi rekkasse ööbima, sest pimedas mahajäetud tanklas pole erilist lootust kaugemale jouda.
It didn’t work at all... until I left petrol station and rode to the road. It was raining again. One young arborist stopped ant took me to the border of Estonia and Latvia. Then one empty bus took me to ring of Riga and from there I got a ride for next 24 hours. It was a Romanian trucker - really nice and intelligent guy (which shows again that our stereotype of truckdrivers and Romanians ar not very right). We stopped in Lithuania near Pasvalys for the night and continued to Warszaw next day.
Pasvalys-Warszawa sama rumeenia rekkamehega. 400 km 9 tunniga. Tere tulemast Poola. Teetööd ja palju ringristmikke. Rohkem ummikus istumist kui edasi liikumist. Vandusime juhiga voidu... tema v6itis :D. Ööseks jäin tanklasse Grojecis- magamiskott lahti ja tuttu.
Pasvalys-Warszawa with the same romanian truck driver. 400 km in 9 hours 😱. Too many roundabouts and too much road construction.Welcome to Poland! I spent the night in one petrol station near Grojec (near Warszawa).
Sportautoga Poznani, 200 km/h (kiirematel hetkedel 240 km/h.... see on mu isiklik rekord nüüd). Berliini sain samuti kiiresti, tavalise autoga. Kahjuks ma m,agasin maha tankla enne pööret Hamburgi suunas, niisiis Berliini ringilt edasi saamine kujunes väga raskeks. I arrived to petrol station between Lübeck and Hamburg a bit before midnight, tried to hitch another 15minutes but than i lost my hope. I called Mischa and he came to save me. Hot shower and his grannys meatballs finished the day.
With sportcar to Poznan, 200 km/h. Compensating previous day. Then I got quite fast to Berlin as well (again with normal car). And now It got complicated.... nobody was going to my direction because I missed the turning point in Berlin ring.
To be continued....
Umbes täpselt praegu hakkan tee äärde väntama, et hääletada marsruudil Tallinn-Varssavi -Kiel. Tehkem jällegi panused selle kohta kui kaugele ma keskööks jõuan!!
Almost right now I start to go to the road for a small hitchhiking. Before starting my bike trip I want to get to Kiel in north of Germany with my lovely bike. How much time it will take? Where can I arrive for midnight? Feel free to bet!
Värskendus: Arvasin, et jöuan vähemalt Leedu-Poola piirile, töenäoliselt Varssavisse, kuid tegelikkus oli veidi kurvem. Koigepealt käisin veel N6mme Matkamaailmast läbi ja täiendasin oma gaasivarusid. Aitäh neile, et nad mind kell 9 sisse lasid (tegelikult avavad nad kell 10). Vana-Pääsküla Statoilist viisid olm kutti mu Pärnu Nestesse, kus ootasin 6 tundi ilma igasuguse eduta.
Update: Before getting to hitching place I visited Matkamaailm (a shop for camping equipment) to buy some more gas for my stove. It was so nice of them to let me in at 9 o’clock despite the fact that they are actually opening at 10 :D. I assumed to arrive to Poland (in Warszawa) but the reality was different. I got quite easily to Pärnu and then I waited 6 hours in petrol station.
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There is my equippment for 45 days - there should be always one package of "Teekonna" candies. Teekond means journey |
It didn’t work at all... until I left petrol station and rode to the road. It was raining again. One young arborist stopped ant took me to the border of Estonia and Latvia. Then one empty bus took me to ring of Riga and from there I got a ride for next 24 hours. It was a Romanian trucker - really nice and intelligent guy (which shows again that our stereotype of truckdrivers and Romanians ar not very right). We stopped in Lithuania near Pasvalys for the night and continued to Warszaw next day.
Pasvalys-Warszawa sama rumeenia rekkamehega. 400 km 9 tunniga. Tere tulemast Poola. Teetööd ja palju ringristmikke. Rohkem ummikus istumist kui edasi liikumist. Vandusime juhiga voidu... tema v6itis :D. Ööseks jäin tanklasse Grojecis- magamiskott lahti ja tuttu.
Pasvalys-Warszawa with the same romanian truck driver. 400 km in 9 hours 😱. Too many roundabouts and too much road construction.Welcome to Poland! I spent the night in one petrol station near Grojec (near Warszawa).
Sportautoga Poznani, 200 km/h (kiirematel hetkedel 240 km/h.... see on mu isiklik rekord nüüd). Berliini sain samuti kiiresti, tavalise autoga. Kahjuks ma m,agasin maha tankla enne pööret Hamburgi suunas, niisiis Berliini ringilt edasi saamine kujunes väga raskeks. I arrived to petrol station between Lübeck and Hamburg a bit before midnight, tried to hitch another 15minutes but than i lost my hope. I called Mischa and he came to save me. Hot shower and his grannys meatballs finished the day.
With sportcar to Poznan, 200 km/h. Compensating previous day. Then I got quite fast to Berlin as well (again with normal car). And now It got complicated.... nobody was going to my direction because I missed the turning point in Berlin ring.
To be continued....
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