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kolmapäev, 7. juuni 2017


Plaan oli jõuda esimeseks õhtuks Haderslevi lähedale. 143 km google arvates. Juba umbes 40 km Kielist oli tunne, et eriti rohkem ei jouagi :). Siiski täitsin plaani. Arvake ise ära kas ka vihma sadas ja äikest lõi!

For the first riding day my plan was to get to Haderslev. Even though i felt quite dead after first 40 km i still arrived to Haderslev for the night. Of course i didn't need to stay without shower - it was raining heavily and there was also
Kiel canal


white sand and cool water


village architecture

Kius..... how should i translate? Estonians will understand :D. there is something to do with bullism... well, it started to rain, so I understood that the god of weather was bullying me

German cows

Raining again. Sitting in library of Kolding and waiting for better weather.... Better weather doesnt exist...and i broke my inner tube of back wheel just in the middle of nowhere. I walked a bit...until a village called Gedved. Knocked on one door but I didnt find any common language with that guy... even body langusage didnt work, I walked a bit more and tried again... Fortunately those guys spoke some english and they had pump...and garage where to sleep and dry my things.
Okseburger = puke burger

Somewhere in Denmark, between Haderslev and Kolding

Who told that Denmarek is flat? Actually there are quite many hills

The garage where I fixed my bike, dried things and slept

my gipsy camp

last 38 kms to aarhus, the second largest city in denmark


And still skanderborg

Already going away from Aarhus

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