02.02. Sulmona-Tortona
Peale väikest tiiru Sulmonas hakkasin hääletama. 3-4 küüti kuni Pescarani ning sealt edasi otse Piacenzani. Plaan oli Forlisse minna, kuid kuna sealne sõber ei vastano´ud sõnumitele, otsustasin jätkata kuni Piacenzani (autojuht läks Milanosse, mina tahtsin minna Genovasse). Piacenza juures sain oodata kena 3 tundi.... lühike küüt järgmise tanklani, sealt kohe edasi järgmise bensukani, milles veetsin kogu öö. Vähemalt seltskond oli hea - Dmitri ja Gianluca majutasid mind väga külalislahkelt..... Mingi nilbe vanamees, kes ei läinud sugugi Genovasse, arvas, et äkki tema võiks mind aidata.... Väga kahtlane tundus. Nägin kuidas ta kahe noore aafriklannaga autosse istus (mitte, et see midagi halba oleks, aga pigem karta kui kahetseda)
After a small tour in Sulmona I started to hitchhike towards Forli, where I planned to visit my friend Giada..... I got someshort rides until Pescara and then voila! To Milano...... As my friend was studying and didn't respond my sms and call, I passed by Forli and continued with the same car until Piacenza.... So now the plan was toget to Genova for the night (it was thursday, so I was thinking of party allready). Unfortunately it was not so easy to get to Genova..... Everybody was going to Milano, and most of locals thought that I was in wrong place (as they didn't know where is the turningpoint for Genova). After 3 hours waiting (I already started work out during this time :D) I get to Tortona with two short rides. There I needed to stay until morning.... luckily the employees there were nice guys. Big thank you to Dmitri and Gianluca!
03.02 Tortona-Imperia
Jah, enne oli küll plaan Genovasse minna, kuid kuna oli juba hommik ning seega pidu Genovas polnud enam aktuaalne, otsustasin kohe Imperiasse hääletada. Üks prantsuse rekkajuht tegi mulle veidi ruumi autos, ning 3 tunni möödudes olingi peaaegu kohal. Saatsin sõpradele sõnumi, et teatada oma saabumisest, aga paraku ei ole paljudel Itaallastel võimalust helistada/saata sõnumit eesti numbrile :D, niisiis vaastust ma ei saanud...... Selle asemel põrkasin Simonettaga kokku tänaval (Imperias). Ta pidi tööle minema, niisiis peale väikest blablablaad läksime oma teed, et õhtul taas kohtuda.
At six o'clock I got a ride to Imperia from a French truckdriver. Yeah, before I planned to go to Genova, but as it was already morning, I decided to not lose more tempo and go directly to visit my friends near Imperia. I met my friend Simonetta by case on the road.... she didn't have the possibility to call to my estonian tel. nr, so lucky us that we met :D.
After a caffe and some blablabla I started to explore the zone..... Sunshine reggae!
Väike jalutuskäik Imperiast Cervoni. Tuuline ja jahe oli, kuid vähemalt tervitas mind päike.
Imperia.... the port |
Väike kaluri asula Diano al Mare lähedal. A small fishermen settlement near Diano al Mare |
Diano al Mare.... |
Oranges everywhere.... and lemons.... and limoncino |
Cervo, a medieval town close to San Bartolomeo |
Agaavid |
Õhtul küpsetas Moreno artišoki ja lambaliha piruka ning pizza, mida me üheskoos Simonetta ja Morenoga sõime kuni lõhkemiseni. Kui jutt käib Itaaliast, ei saa kunagi jätta rääkimata toidust :D ja veinist.
the evening I met also Moreno and we had a nice dinner all together (Moreno, Simonetta, me and our good mood). Moreno cooked a delicios pie with artichoke and lamb meat, also one pizza and ofcourse we had some cheese and this kind of stuff for apperitivi :D. If we talk about Italy, we can never forget about food :D
04.02 Diano al Mare-Albenga (walking.... not 500 miles, but 33 kms... close enough)
Tahtsin Finalesse ronima minna, kuid ilmataat oli mu vastu.... sadas pussnuge. Niisiis laenasin Simonettalt vihmamantli ja otsustasin kõndima minna.
I had the plan to go climbing in Finale, but the god of weather was against me. It's raining men, hallelooyah! So I borrowed the impermeable mantle fromSimonetta, and hit the road by foot.
Walking to Andora |
....and still the same road |
From Andora I changed´the road.... I left via Aurelia and went to mountains... there I found this medieval Castle |
Percorso medievale and some friends in the forest |
Keskaegne tee. Percorso medievale |
Mimosa |
Somebody is planning to do suicide?? |
The dialect of Liguria. La bottega del olio |
The wall of cyclers |
Alassio, only 8 km left to Albenga |
Almost in Albenga. Good view to the island where somebody is living :D |
Mõtlesin lõpetada kõndimise Albengas.... Juba umbes 28 km kõnnitud. Aga tagasi Dianosse jõudmiseks oli küüti vaja...oeh, pidin kiirteele jalutama. Veel 5 km nende villis jalgadega. :D Vähemalt sain end natuke liigutada, kuid järgmisel korral võtan teise paari jalatseid kaasa.
I thought to finish walking in Albenga, but as I also needed to get back to Diano, so I walked another 5 kms to highway, where my friends picked me up (they were returning from Piemonte). All together ca. 33 kms.... next time I take another pair of shoes with me :D
In the evening: soup of lentils, degustation of Vana Tallinn and exchange of liquores :D. We finished my VanaTallinn and sostituted it with home made limoncello.
05.02 Tour in Savona
Jälle sajab.... seekord pussnugade asemel kirveid. Niisiis jällegi ei mingit ronimist. Tegime hoopis väikese tiiru Savonas, sedagi vaid katusealustel tänavatel.
Raining again.... worse than yesterday. No climbing! ;(
Small tour in Savona, following streets which were under the roofs (portici)
In conclusion I need to say that Liguria is quite similar to Costiera Amalfitana.... as the micro climate and nature (rocks - a bit steeper in costiera, but the vegetation is quite similar, climate- usually sunny, a bit cooler in Liguria but....). I was a bit unlucky - there is 360 days of sunshine, and I found 2 days out of 5 without it.
Hetkel olen tanklas ja üritan Torinosse hääletada. Vedasin Morenoga kihla, mis kell kohale jõuan. Mina ütlesin, et kell 21, tema oli positiivsem ning arvas, et 19. Selleks, et võita kihlvedu, raiskan praegu aega ning kirjutan blogi :D
Right now I'm in petrol station, trying to hitchhike to Torino. I bet that I get there at 9 pm and Moreno bet that 7 pm.... That's why I'm writing the blog..... to waste some time and win the wager :D
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