05.02 Savona - Cuneo
Hääletamine Savonast Torinosse polnud üldse nii lihtne kui
olin arvanud. Ootasin peaaegu 7 tundi Savona tanklas. Kõik, kes vaevusid midagi
ütlema, väitsid end minevat Genova või Imperia suunas, teised tegid üldse näo
nagu ei näeks mind :D. Kas ma näen tõesti nii ohtlik välja? Lõpuks pakkus üks ronija välimusega naine mulle küüti
Cuneosse..... Kätte oli jõudnud see hetk, mil mind enam ei huvitanud, kuhu
minek – peaasi,et miema sellest ebameeldivast kohast. Tuli välja, et mu
päästja, Marta, tegeleski teatud määral ronimise ja muu outdoor tegevusega. Marta andis endast parima, et mulle
hääletamiseks sobivat kohta leida, kuid pühapäeva õhtu on igati üks nõmedus.
Otsustasin teha tiiru linnas ning leida veidi rahvast. Baar nimega „Lucertolo's“
(sisalik) oli ilmselt parim võimalik leid. Kaks leedukat olid ka sinna ära
Hitchhiking from Savona to Torino was not as easy as I thought.
Everybody was looking at me as a peace of shit or just tried to show that they
didn’t see me. Yeah, maybe the rain has that strong influence to Italians....
It was raining really bad. There was a guy who smelled bad and looked at me
with realy hungry face. I started to feel some danger, which is not very usual
for me. 7 hours of waiting.... Do i look so dangerous? In the end one woman gave me lift to Cuneo (a
town almost on the way to Toerino :D). She did her best to find for me next
place for hitching, but in Piemonte petrol stations close at 22. So I decided
to jump into the adventure again – night tour in Cuneo, some bar, a bit of
people to talk to. I found a place called „Lucertolo's“ (a lizard), which was the
best possible place I guess.
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some local beer, bottle designed by barmen Marco |
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Lucertolo's |
Kui Lucertolo's suleti, läksime koos sealsete töötajatega Ladina-Ameerika lokaali ning tantsisime bachatat ja reggetoni kuni kella 6-ni hommikul. Hommikul, kui oli aega taas teele asuda, et ükskord ka Torinosse jõuda, oli päris surnud tunne. Loomulikult olin ka veidi purjus peale kõiki neid caipirinhasid jne.
After closing the bar barmen Marco took me to South-American bar. Bachata and Reggaeton until 6 o'clock in the morning. The night was nice, but now I felt really dead.... and I was a bit drunk as well after all those caipirinhas and rum etc... Back to the road walkning and sleeping contemporarly...
Kõndisin kena 3 km ning hakkasin hääletama. Väiksematel maanteedel on see õnneks lihtsam kui kiirteeäärsetes tanklates. Kella 11 ajal jõudsin Torino kesklinna. Kui vaid saaks kusagil magada.... Oeh kella 14 ajal sain lõpiks magama... peale seda kui olime Lucaga mõnusa koguse pastat hävitanud. Õhtul kohtusime taas Luca ja Lorenzoga (kutid, kellega olin tutvunud Sarajevos). Nad tutvustasid mulle veidi kesklinna. Hetkel tiirutan üksi ringi. Aga tänaseks vist aitab,homme on ka päev!
I walked some 3-4 kms to get out of Cuneo and started to hitch. It was quite easy and I got to Torino for 11 o'clock. Only thing that I wanted was to sleep. Help me, Luca! Ok, he cooked some pasta and after destroying it I finally had the possibility to sleep :D. In the evening I went back to center to meet Luca and Lorenzo, who were busy with studying during the day (some people have exams right now :D). They showed me a bit of the center of Torino.... now I'm exploring alone :D..... But I think it's enough for today.... tomorrow is a new day
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Torino.... a building |
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