08.02 .....Vareses leidsin ühe tänavamuusiku abiga üles ronimissaali,
niisiis ei pidanud ma kannatama liikumispuuduse all :D. Nagu ikka, oli seltskond
hea ning ka algajate tase kõrge. Sain tuttavaks Miriamiga, kellega olime samal
tasemel ning projektisime samu radu. Õhtut jätkasime Miriami vanemate juures
risottot süües ja Braulio’t maitstes.
In Varese I found the climbing hall ant thanks to that also some nice people :D. Miriam, one of the climbers invited me for a dinner with her family and also hosted me that night. Really symphatic family!!
In Varese I found the climbing hall ant thanks to that also some nice people :D. Miriam, one of the climbers invited me for a dinner with her family and also hosted me that night. Really symphatic family!!
09.02 jätkasin teed Monza suunas..... olime Ilariaga
juba kohtumise kokku leppinud. Vältisin kiirteed ning läksin läbi Como.... aega
ju oli ning tahtsin näha veel natuke ilu enne kui Milanole liiga lähedale
I continued to go towards Monza to meet Ilaria (old friend from Erasmus time in Potenza). I decided to avoid the highway as I wanted to see at least some beauty before getting to Milano zone. Yeah, Miriam took me to Como. Nice!
I continued to go towards Monza to meet Ilaria (old friend from Erasmus time in Potenza). I decided to avoid the highway as I wanted to see at least some beauty before getting to Milano zone. Yeah, Miriam took me to Como. Nice!
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Lago di Como |
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Como |
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I found my place in Como |
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Torn..... Tower? |
Tore oli vahelduseks väikestel teedel uidata.... lühikesed küüdid ning
huvitavad inimesed. Monza kesklinnas nägin taas seda sama tänavamuusikut, kes mul Vareses ronimissaali guugeldada aitas.
Small roads are much better compared to highway.... only problem is that it takes a bit time to go long distances. Fortunately this time I had only some 40 kms to go. Short rides but interesting people. One guy (Stefano) just picked me up because he saw my climbing shoes hanging on my backpack.... we had a lot in commonit seemed to me..... In the center of Como I met again the street musician who had helped me to find the climbing hall last evening in Varese. The world is small, and Italy is even smaller.
Small roads are much better compared to highway.... only problem is that it takes a bit time to go long distances. Fortunately this time I had only some 40 kms to go. Short rides but interesting people. One guy (Stefano) just picked me up because he saw my climbing shoes hanging on my backpack.... we had a lot in commonit seemed to me..... In the center of Como I met again the street musician who had helped me to find the climbing hall last evening in Varese. The world is small, and Italy is even smaller.
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My observing place in Monza (I was observing youngsters who just came from school... very funny) |
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Duomo di Monza |
Monza.... taaskohtumine Ilariaga ja hea toit. Õhtu Monza
kesklinnas veidi hipsterlikus veinikas ning väike rumba teises lokaalis. Millegipärast keegi eriti ei tantsinud.... hulk "normaalseid" inimesi jälle. :D .....Viimane nö puhkusepäev.
Monza. Meeting Ilaria, eating good food and drinking wine in a bit hipster looking winery.... a bit of rumba in an other place where most of people tried to look normal or even annoying unfortunately. But I will still performe the dance of crazy cow?? Bailemos todos vacca loca?? It was the last day of vacation.
Monza. Meeting Ilaria, eating good food and drinking wine in a bit hipster looking winery.... a bit of rumba in an other place where most of people tried to look normal or even annoying unfortunately. But I will still performe the dance of crazy cow?? Bailemos todos vacca loca?? It was the last day of vacation.
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Vinery.... The place with flying bikes can't be bad.... and it wasn't |
Edaspidi ootab ees ekspresshääletamine Eestisse....
eesmärgiga jõuda kohale esmaspäeva (13.02) õhtuks.
Next step is express-hitching to Estonia. My scope was to get there for monday. Lets bet how it goes.
Next step is express-hitching to Estonia. My scope was to get there for monday. Lets bet how it goes.
10.02 Monza-Villach
Hommikul viis Ila mu kiirtee äärsesse tanklasse ära ning sain kohe ka küüdi Bresciasse, edasi oli plaan Trento poole liikuda..... Juht aga veenis mu ümber ning lahkusin kiirteelt Sirmionesse.
In the morning Ilaria took me to the petrol station next to highway and I got the ride to Brescia very fast..... Actually I went to Sirmione (the driver convinced me to visit this nice little village on Lago di Garda).
Hommikul viis Ila mu kiirtee äärsesse tanklasse ära ning sain kohe ka küüdi Bresciasse, edasi oli plaan Trento poole liikuda..... Juht aga veenis mu ümber ning lahkusin kiirteelt Sirmionesse.
In the morning Ilaria took me to the petrol station next to highway and I got the ride to Brescia very fast..... Actually I went to Sirmione (the driver convinced me to visit this nice little village on Lago di Garda).
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Sirmione |
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Casstle of Sirmione |
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Getting lost in Sirmione |
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kaljune poolsaar millel küla asub |
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loss |
Tore küla oli, aga
pärast oli väga raske teele tagasi saada.
Pidin Bresciasse tagasi hääletama, sest sain aru, et hoolimata distantsi pikenemisest on sealt suurem lootus edasi liikuda kui Peschierast. Trento suunas ei läinud igatahes kedagi ning lõpuks pidin ikkagi
otsustama vana, juba läbitud marsruudi kasuks (Verona-Padova-Udine). Ööseks
sain poolakate furgooniga Austriasse Villachisse. See oli paras kannatus, sest
üks kahest onklist ei suutnud kuidagi vaikida. „Led Zeppelin is numero uno per
me, capito?“ Blablabla, capito? (capito?= kas said aru?).... lõpuks väsitas ära
see kõigest aru saamine ja selle kinnitamine ning tekkis küsimus kas ta pidas
mind idioodiks või oli ise natuke metsa poole.... Otsustasin Villachis reede
õhtut tähistada. Kõigis lokaalides oli
ainult elektro.... che schifo!
Yeah, the village was nice to see, but now I was in trouble again. Getting back to the road was not easy at all. I needed to turn back to Brescia, as I understood that Peschiera was a mistaken place for my direction. After some small rides until Udine I got a longer ride to Austria from two polish guys. Oh, bloody hell.... they were really nice and friendly, but so-so annoying (at least one of them). After every sentence he asked "Capito?" which means "understood?". Yeah, at least I like to think that I'm not an idiot, so deffinitely I understood..... Then I started to answer that no, I didn't understand a word. For the night I decided to stay in Villach, as it was a friday night and I wanted to see Austrian party. There was only electro music everywhere.... unlucky me
11.02 Villach-.....
Olen endiselt Villachis.... unistades unest.... ja Terroniast ehk Lõuna-Itaaliast.... Olgu, siin Austrias olles tundub ka põhi täitsa ok. Austrias ei tunne ma end sugugi koduselt.
Still in Villach. Dead. Dreaming of sleep and Terronia (south-Italy). Actually now, being in Austria, also North-Italy seems really warm and friendly place. Also some Austrians that I met were quite interesting, but something was missing.... I don't know what.
Olen endiselt Villachis.... unistades unest.... ja Terroniast ehk Lõuna-Itaaliast.... Olgu, siin Austrias olles tundub ka põhi täitsa ok. Austrias ei tunne ma end sugugi koduselt.
Still in Villach. Dead. Dreaming of sleep and Terronia (south-Italy). Actually now, being in Austria, also North-Italy seems really warm and friendly place. Also some Austrians that I met were quite interesting, but something was missing.... I don't know what.
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