15.08 Krupac-Kotor
Polnud sugugi lihtne laagripaigast lahkuda, sest seal oli liiga meeldiv seltskond. Pelgalt kohvijoomine eelmisel õhtul kohatud itaallaste ja juba Tiranast tuttavate albaanlastega võttis 2-3 tundi.
Lohutuseks oli teadmine, et suurem osa teest peaks olema allamäge.
It was hard to leave from camping place, because of so much fun people. I was drinking caffe with them 2-3 hours.
At least the way to Kotor should be mostly downhill.....
Mõne kilomeetri kaugusel Kripacist oli teine, veelgi ilusam tehisjärv Slansko Jezero.
Near to Krupac lake there was another, even more beautiful artificial lake
Tegelikult ei olnud see tee sugugi allamäge, vähemalt mõnekümne km jooksul tuli ikka korralikult pingutada. Mingil hetkel avastasin end Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina piiripunktist - olin õigelt teelt eksinud :D. Nojah, mis muud kui ümberpöörd ja tagasi (viimased paar km ülesmäge olid niisiis raisatud vaev). Muidugi oleks võinud spontaanselt plaani muuta ja minnagi Bosniasse, kuid mingi sisetunne soovitas mul ikkagi Kotorisse minna. Väikese otsimise peale leidsin õige raja, ning nautisin kulgemist (nüüdseks oli juba liiga hilja, et muretseda hilja peale jäämise pärast. Rakendan vahel ka muude kohustustega sama meetodit: kui on liiga kiire, tuleb oodata kuni kiire üle läheb, ning seejärel hakata rahulikult kohustusi täitma). Sel teel peaaegu ei liikunud autosid, vähemalt sel päeval. Nii vaikne oli, et kuulsin omaenda mõtteid, kui mp3 aku tühjaks sai ning mu laul lakkas.
I lost the right way and one moment I just found myself on the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina 😆. Again.... 2-3 kms uphill for nothing. Turn back, and try again. Maybe it would have been fun to go directly to BiH, but I wanted to get to Kotor because my 6-th sense told me to do that.
After some searching I found the right road to enjoy. It was anyway too late to worry about arriving too late. No rush anymore.... You know, sometimes when I'm in a hurry with some duty but I have no time for it, I stress a bit, then wait until the hurry is over and only after that start to do the thing.
There were virtually no cars moving this day, so I heard my music and also my thoughts (even though I can't remember them anymore)
Klaas head, kohalikku, punast veini sama kohalike tüüpidega ning laskumine Kotori fjordi võis alata.
A glass of wine with a group of local guys, and down to the fjord
Kuues meel oli soovitanud õigesti. Kotor ning kogu fjordi ümbrus oli võib-olla ilusaim piirkond kogu reisi jooksul.
Well, I believe that Kotor and the whole fjord was one the most beautiful place during this trip (together with Gennargentu, forests of Basilicata and "fjord" of Leuca).
16.08 Kotor - Mlini (Croatia, close to Dubrovnik)
Hommikul, kui kohvivajadus tunda andis, kogesin võib-olla halvimat teenindust oma noore elu jooksul. Nälginud ja tülpinud välimusega teenindaja oli mulle tassi ulatades välja sellise näoga, nagu oleks tal midagi tugevalt selle vastu, et ma kohvi saan..... umbes nii: "no olgu, kuna sa maksad, pean ma sulle kohvi andma, aga tegelikult on see sinu jaoks liiga hea..... issand, sa tahad suhkrut ka? Kas sa mõtled ka kui palju see kaloreid sisaldab? Ma pole sellist lõbu endale juba 5 aastat lubada saanud!"
Sööge parem šokolaadi ja säilitage hea tuju 😋
In the morning, when I felt already a strong need for a caffe, I experienced maybe the worst service in my young life. The waitress who looked tired and starving, didn't seem happy at all when she passed me my cup of caffe.... something like: "well, you pay, so unfortunately I need to give you the coffee, but actually it's too good for you..... oh god, you want also sugar in it? Do you know how many calories it consists? I haven't afforded it to myself already 5 years!"
My advice to this kind of people: eat chocolate, feel free, and let me do the same!!
Hommikupooliku veetsin ujudes, päevitavate kruiisilaeva töötajatega vesteldes ning lähedalasuva restorani ettekandjaga tantsu lüües (seal oli lihtsalt nii hea muusika, et mul polnud pääsu... midagi Dino Merlinilt).
Linnast väljas oli mere ääres rohkelt mõnusaid pinkide ning paadisildadega varustatud puhkepaiku. Loomulikult oli kõikjal ka igatsorti majutusasutusi, niisiis päris vaikust seal nautida ei saanud, kuid väga viga ka polnud.
I spent the first half of the day swimming, talking to the staff of cruise ship and dancing with the waiter of the restaurant nearby (just because there was good music, something from Dino Merlin). Out of the town there were a lot of exclusive, wonderful spots for swimming and a small nap. Of course there were hotels and holyday apartments everywhere, so complete silence didn't exist, but still I enjoyed this resort.
Pärastlõunal jätkasin teekonda. Plaan oli jõuda õhtuks Horvaatiasse Dubrovniku lähedale. Kahju oli lahkuda mere äärest, sest see tähendas korralikku tõusu üles mägedelle. Kui tundsin juba kerget vingumürgitust omaenda mõtetest, võtsin aja maha ja hakkasin tee ääres põldmarju korjama/sööma. Avastasin, et mul oli ka üks konkurent - see oli hääletaja, tänavakunstnik Poolast, kes just Kotori poole liikus. Vahetasime viimast allesjäänud toitu ning reisilugusid, ning läksime lahku.
In the afternoon I continued my trip towards Croatia. The plan was to get near Dubrovnik. Heh, I was not so enthusiastic, as I needed to ride uphill again, but fortunately the second half of the road should have been downhill.
Getting tired, I started to pick blackberries, and met a hitchhiker from Poland who did the same. We exchanged some food and travel stories and splitted again.
Right before the border of Croatia I met three cyclers, two from Italy and one from South-Korea.... they were my soulmates. We were chatting there until it started to get dark. And I missed the korean meal that they were going to cook in Kotor 😪. Why are all bike travellers going to opposite direction?
Huuuh, läbi väsimuse jõudsin Dubrovnikust u. 10 km kaugusel asuvasse Mlini randa, tegin väikese supluse ning leidsin isegi mageda veega duši. Üritasin veel inimestega jutule saada, kuid edutult (koht oli liiga turiste täis).
I arrived to Mlini, a small resort ca. 10 km before Dubrovnik, took my shower which means swimming and looking for public shower which sometimes exists and sometimes not. This time I was lucky. I also tried to communicate with somebody but without success.
Polnud sugugi lihtne laagripaigast lahkuda, sest seal oli liiga meeldiv seltskond. Pelgalt kohvijoomine eelmisel õhtul kohatud itaallaste ja juba Tiranast tuttavate albaanlastega võttis 2-3 tundi.
Lohutuseks oli teadmine, et suurem osa teest peaks olema allamäge.
It was hard to leave from camping place, because of so much fun people. I was drinking caffe with them 2-3 hours.
At least the way to Kotor should be mostly downhill.....
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Slansko Jezero (Lake Slansko)... another artificial lake |
Near to Krupac lake there was another, even more beautiful artificial lake
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Pildiallkirja lisamine |
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Lost in the middle of nowhere |
I lost the right way and one moment I just found myself on the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina 😆. Again.... 2-3 kms uphill for nothing. Turn back, and try again. Maybe it would have been fun to go directly to BiH, but I wanted to get to Kotor because my 6-th sense told me to do that.
After some searching I found the right road to enjoy. It was anyway too late to worry about arriving too late. No rush anymore.... You know, sometimes when I'm in a hurry with some duty but I have no time for it, I stress a bit, then wait until the hurry is over and only after that start to do the thing.
There were virtually no cars moving this day, so I heard my music and also my thoughts (even though I can't remember them anymore)
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Koht kaljuronimiseks? Future place for Rock-Climbing |
A glass of wine with a group of local guys, and down to the fjord
Kuues meel oli soovitanud õigesti. Kotor ning kogu fjordi ümbrus oli võib-olla ilusaim piirkond kogu reisi jooksul.
Muidugi olid fjordi kaldad täis kuurorte ja turiste, ning kohalikega kontakti loomine ei õnnestunud, kuid see on tihti ilu hind. Nautisin sellest hoolimata. Hulkus ju teisigi seiklejaid linnas ringi. Lõpuks moodustasime korraliku grupi mõnede itaallaste ja prantslastega, kes ka oskasid mustast huumorist lugu pidada. Üks peaaegu kohalikuks muutunud ungari tädi soovitas mulle väga head kohta magamiseks - mahajäetud hotelli taga oli mere ääres platoo, millelt avanes suurepärane vaade kogu fjordile, linnatuledele ja loomulikult tähtedele. Kas teate hotelliketti nimega "thousand stars hotel"? Sel ketil on hotelle üle kogu maailma, kus iganes te ka viibite.... Avatud vaid selge ilma korral 😁
Deffinitely it was really touristic there, so it was hard to contact local people. Still I had fun time with some adventurers from Italy, Poland and France. An hungarian lady recommended me really nice place for sleeping - the backyard of an abandoned hotel, right next to the sea, view to the fjord, lights of villages and stars of course.
Do you know the big, worldwide hotel chain called "Thousand stars hotels"? It has some hotels everywhere you go, but they are open only when there are no clouds in the sky. 😂
16.08 Kotor - Mlini (Croatia, close to Dubrovnik)
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Turistide hordid vanalinnas. Old town was full of people wit photo cameras.... |
Sööge parem šokolaadi ja säilitage hea tuju 😋
In the morning, when I felt already a strong need for a caffe, I experienced maybe the worst service in my young life. The waitress who looked tired and starving, didn't seem happy at all when she passed me my cup of caffe.... something like: "well, you pay, so unfortunately I need to give you the coffee, but actually it's too good for you..... oh god, you want also sugar in it? Do you know how many calories it consists? I haven't afforded it to myself already 5 years!"
My advice to this kind of people: eat chocolate, feel free, and let me do the same!!
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Kruiisi laev, ootamas tagasi oma reisijaid, kes hetkel linnas tuuritasid. Cruise ship in the fjord of Kotor, waiting for passengers, who were sightseeing and eating in the town at that moment.... |
Linnast väljas oli mere ääres rohkelt mõnusaid pinkide ning paadisildadega varustatud puhkepaiku. Loomulikult oli kõikjal ka igatsorti majutusasutusi, niisiis päris vaikust seal nautida ei saanud, kuid väga viga ka polnud.
I spent the first half of the day swimming, talking to the staff of cruise ship and dancing with the waiter of the restaurant nearby (just because there was good music, something from Dino Merlin). Out of the town there were a lot of exclusive, wonderful spots for swimming and a small nap. Of course there were hotels and holyday apartments everywhere, so complete silence didn't exist, but still I enjoyed this resort.
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Exclusive "beach" |
In the afternoon I continued my trip towards Croatia. The plan was to get near Dubrovnik. Heh, I was not so enthusiastic, as I needed to ride uphill again, but fortunately the second half of the road should have been downhill.
Getting tired, I started to pick blackberries, and met a hitchhiker from Poland who did the same. We exchanged some food and travel stories and splitted again.
Right before the border of Croatia I met three cyclers, two from Italy and one from South-Korea.... they were my soulmates. We were chatting there until it started to get dark. And I missed the korean meal that they were going to cook in Kotor 😪. Why are all bike travellers going to opposite direction?
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Matteo and me |
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Carlo, Won Min and Matteo. Soulmates from our small world |
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In Croatia already, Mihatovitci maybe |
I arrived to Mlini, a small resort ca. 10 km before Dubrovnik, took my shower which means swimming and looking for public shower which sometimes exists and sometimes not. This time I was lucky. I also tried to communicate with somebody but without success.
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