Lend Bergamosse, järgmine peatus: Brescia
20.01 Brescia
Loodusseadus nr 1: Itaalias on alati majas külmem kui õues. Täna öösel teen küll enne magamaminekut kuuma jalavanni, sest viimane öö jäi külmetavate jalgade pärast katkendlikuks.
Davide pidi hommikul tööle minema, niisiis sain üksi linna avastama minna. Sain laenuks ülivägakena jalgratta.... ega ma jala ei käi ja vett ei joo ju..... ikka jalgrattaga ja kohvi juues.
In Italy it's always colder indoors compared to out... So its better to take the bike of Davide and go to discover the town.
Olin pannud oma jopi pakiraamile.... Kui ratta juurde naasin, seda seal enam polnud... Kellelgi oli mu joppi vist rohkem vaja. Niisiis hakkasin uurima kust kaltsukaid võiks leida.... Second handi küll ei leidnud, kuid sain tuttavaks Andreaga, kes peale väikest kõnet emale oli probleemi lahendanud - ta ema loovutas mulle ühe fliisi ja jopi :D. Natuke suured on, aga ongi ju hea, saab telgina kasutada :D.
It was nice and sunny, so I left my winter jacket on the bicycle rack. When I returned it wasn't there anymore, somebody else needed it more :(. How do I go to Abruzzo now? There is winter and i'm naked (almost).... Well, better not to think and go to see the castle, I'll figure out later what to do.
Near to the castle I started to talk with an almost Brescian, Andrea. When I asked about second hand shops to find some cheap warm thing, he called his mother and the problem was solved. They gave me some warm things and my trip will continue.
Federico (kolmas koopakaaslane Meratest) tuli ka õhtul Bresciasse. Läks asi piduseks kätte. ;D
Federico, another cave-mate from Merate was coming to see us as well...... Party it will be
Kusagil päris lähedal pidi ka üks ronimiskalju olema.... millaski otsin üles, võib-olla praegu. Aga tegelikult on plaanid lahtised.... Alustuseks lähme linna pääle, vb jätkan õhtul juba teekonda lõunasse.
There should be a rock for climbing somewhere nearby..... I guess I need to go to search for it. Actually I have no idea of my plans fopr today :D. Maybe I continue my way to south already this evening, mmaybe not
Lend Bergamosse, järgmine peatus: Brescia
Davide ja Robi, sõbrad ja koopakaaslased viimasest suvisest tripist, tulid lennujaama vastu ning viisid mu kenasti
Bresciasse kohale. See on säärane keskmise suurusega linn Põhja-Itaalias, kus
räägitakse väga tugeva ning eristuva aktsendiga. Hoolimata hilisest kellaajast tegime ikkagi väikese tiiru vanalinnas. Minu, kui Tartu tudengi jaoks tundus linn neljapäeva õhtu kohta liiga vaikne ja tühi, kuid Itaalias ongi peamiseks peopäevaks pigem laupäev, ning nende reede on nagu meie neljapäev. Magama saime varahommikul, peale seda kui olime hävitanud mu viimase külmarohu (Vana Tallinna).
Flight to Bergamo, next stop Brescia.
Davide and Roberto (my cave mates) came and took me to Brescia. Brescia is a city with ca 200000 habitants who speak with a strong accent. ;) Night tour in the center etc. For me, as a student from Tartu itseemed too empty and calm for a thursday. Usually the partying time starts from wednesday in Tartu..... Here in Brescia there is party mostly on friday and saturday....
Flight to Bergamo, next stop Brescia.
Davide and Roberto (my cave mates) came and took me to Brescia. Brescia is a city with ca 200000 habitants who speak with a strong accent. ;) Night tour in the center etc. For me, as a student from Tartu itseemed too empty and calm for a thursday. Usually the partying time starts from wednesday in Tartu..... Here in Brescia there is party mostly on friday and saturday....
20.01 Brescia
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Pole sugugi halvim pilt mida ärgates näha. Not the worst way to wake up |
Loodusseadus nr 1: Itaalias on alati majas külmem kui õues. Täna öösel teen küll enne magamaminekut kuuma jalavanni, sest viimane öö jäi külmetavate jalgade pärast katkendlikuks.
Davide pidi hommikul tööle minema, niisiis sain üksi linna avastama minna. Sain laenuks ülivägakena jalgratta.... ega ma jala ei käi ja vett ei joo ju..... ikka jalgrattaga ja kohvi juues.
In Italy it's always colder indoors compared to out... So its better to take the bike of Davide and go to discover the town.
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Pildiallkirja lisamine |
Olin pannud oma jopi pakiraamile.... Kui ratta juurde naasin, seda seal enam polnud... Kellelgi oli mu joppi vist rohkem vaja. Niisiis hakkasin uurima kust kaltsukaid võiks leida.... Second handi küll ei leidnud, kuid sain tuttavaks Andreaga, kes peale väikest kõnet emale oli probleemi lahendanud - ta ema loovutas mulle ühe fliisi ja jopi :D. Natuke suured on, aga ongi ju hea, saab telgina kasutada :D.
It was nice and sunny, so I left my winter jacket on the bicycle rack. When I returned it wasn't there anymore, somebody else needed it more :(. How do I go to Abruzzo now? There is winter and i'm naked (almost).... Well, better not to think and go to see the castle, I'll figure out later what to do.
Near to the castle I started to talk with an almost Brescian, Andrea. When I asked about second hand shops to find some cheap warm thing, he called his mother and the problem was solved. They gave me some warm things and my trip will continue.
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There is sunshine!! A miracle :D |
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Despite the sunshine there is still winter |
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Walls of the castle |
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Brescia |
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View from the platform of castle |
Federico, another cave-mate from Merate was coming to see us as well...... Party it will be
Kusagil päris lähedal pidi ka üks ronimiskalju olema.... millaski otsin üles, võib-olla praegu. Aga tegelikult on plaanid lahtised.... Alustuseks lähme linna pääle, vb jätkan õhtul juba teekonda lõunasse.
There should be a rock for climbing somewhere nearby..... I guess I need to go to search for it. Actually I have no idea of my plans fopr today :D. Maybe I continue my way to south already this evening, mmaybe not
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