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laupäev, 29. oktoober 2016

Sicilia. Io mi chiamo Cafiero Pasquale sto a Poggioreale dal 53...

16.07 Palermo- Poggioreale. ca. 80-90 km
Niiöelda kohustuslik turistiring vanalinnas sai tehtud. Alguses sõitsin küll vanalinnast korduvalt mööda, mõistmata, et see oligi ju koht kuhu jõuda tahtsin (millegipärast ei eristanud ma seda algul muust linnast, minu paha....).  

Come una turista normale ho girato un po' nel centro storico.... anche se era difficile trovarlo (sono passato da centro storico 2 volte senza capirla)

Let me be a tourist for some hours!  Old town etc..... btw I passed by historic center twice, not realizing bad.

mingi väljak.... Piazza Pretoria

Fontana Pretoria
Palermo oma prügiga viskas kiiresti üle. Tänavaturg oli ju tore, kuid rattaga seal küll mugav liikuda polnud. Kõik kohustuslik sai maitstud: arancini (liha, kala või juustuga täidetud friteeritud riisipallid), teod, milza (hamburgerilaadne toode, milles pihvi asemel on põrna lõigud)..... Mööda tänavaid lendav kile sattus rattaketi vahele ning oleks selle peaaegu lõhkunud

Palermo mi faceva stancare troppo presto... pensavo di restare per intero giorno, pero citta era troppo sporca e non trovava gente locale da spendere tempo insieme. Non era facile muoversi con la bicicletta pure... Dopo aver assaggiata cibo di strada tipico (arancini, milza e lumache) andavo via, per le montagne, i campi.

I got tired of Palermo too fast because of crowdness, trash all around and no possibilities to move for  cyclers with big backpack. Plastic litter almost broke my bikes' chain...... I prefered to return to the fields and mountains.... maybe with less rubbish :D. Anyway I had already tasted the most important street food in street market. Arancini (deep fried stuffed rice balls, coated with bread crumbs), milza (something similar to hamburger, the beef is replaced by slices of spleen) and some snails.....


Plastic litter almost broke the chain of my bike.

Vaade Altofontest. View from Altofonte
Piana degli Albanesi - kunagine Albaanlaste asula (tegelikult on seal ka praegu suur albaania kogukond). Sain teeviitadelt juba veidi aimu albaania keelest.... aru ei saanud

Piana degli Albanesi is one of albanian villages in Italy.... Some indications were written in Albanian... good for me as a preparation for Balcan trip.
Piana degli Albanesi
The memorial of the Portella della Ginestra massacre (01.05.1947). In the massacre prepared by Salvatore Giuliano and band of Sicilian separatists 11 people were killed and 27 wounded....

Memoriale di Portella della Ginestra

Peale memoriaali külastamist hakkas juba pimenema.... nagu ikka, ei suutnud ma sihtkohta jõuda päevavalguses. Aga kohale jõudes ootas mind ees külalislahke linnake. Loomulikult võtsin suuna baari poole, kuna mujal polnud erilist rahva liikumist eeldada. Õnneks oli laupäev ning baaris võtsid Francesco ja ta sõbrad mind vastu nagu vana sõpra..... jalgratturlus ühendab.

Fine della luce. Come sempre non riuscivo arrivare durante il giorno..... Al fine arrivavo a Poggioreale, un villaggio tranquillo e accogliente. Per fortuna era sabato sera, quindi al meno il bar era aperto. Gente al bar, specialmente Francesco e il suo amico, mi hanno fatto sentire come se fossi stata a casa mia.

As always I didn't get to destiny in daylight.... maybe i like to ride in darkness? :/ At least it was saturday, which means that also in small villages as Poggioreale all the bars were open. People in the bar was really nice.... There were two bike enthusiasts, Francesco and his friend, who made me feel like home.

Teel Poggiorealesse. I'm on my way to Poggioreale

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