Poggioreales läkski ideaalstsenaariumi järgi. Õhtul olin tutvunud Francesco ja Francesco ehk siis topelt-Francescoga, kellest üks mind ka võõrustas ning hommikusel rattatuuril juhatas. Teekond viis vanasse Poggiorealesse, mis asus mõne km kaugusel. Linn oli 1968. aastal toimunud maavärina järel suurte purustuste tõttu hüljatud. Varemed olid pikalt suletud, kuid nüüd üritatakse kohta korrastada ning millalgi ka turistidele avada. Mõnus on külastada vaatamisväärsusi kus ei ole veel restorane ja tränimüüjaid ümber. Tee peal hävitasime muidugi hulganisti põldmarju ning juba varemete vahel olles leidsime vilju täis mooruspuu.... Ära minnes nägime küll moosivaraste moodi välja.
For me the most important reason to travel is curiosity about people, local culture and mentality and not so much about monuments and sightseeing. Still I'm really grateful and happy if I find some local person who show me around and talk about history, background of present situation etc. The way how they talk about it gives me also idea about the mentality. When I have more possibility to orgsnize my trips, I usually use Couchsurfing, but when travelling by bike without internet I need some luck to meet open-minded people (actually unurganized Couchsurfing is more fun anyway).
In Poggioreale I was lucky enough to get known double-Francesco (two friends, both called Francesco). In the next morning one of them made me a guided tour to ruins of Poggioreale. On the road we found a lot of blackberries, so we coninued the breakfast. The town was ruined by a catastrophic earthquake in 1968. Its' inhabitants built the new town some km from the old spot. The ruins were closed for public long time but nowadays there is an idea to open it also for tourists. Luckily it was still quite abandoned, so we had the possibility to look around and eat the fruits of morus tree..... no people who try to sell something :D
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Vana-Poggioreale nähtuna uuest. Old-Poggio... sawn from new |
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Midagi on peale maavärinat alles jäänud..... |
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peale meie oli veel keegi liikvel. We were still not the only tourists |
Sciacca poole liikuma sain alles kella 5 ajal.... õnneks polnud palju minna ning jõudsin veel päevavalguses. Tänaval rippusid vihmavarjud kõigi vikerkaarevärvide ulatuses..... Ei tea kas seal kunagi sajab ka?? võib-olla olid need hoopis päikesevarjud....tunduks kuidagi otstarbekam.
Sciacca on päris populaarne turismiobjekt, minu kahjuks :), samas ka kalurilinn, minu õnneks. Kalalaeva koka Carlo'ga oli täitsa huvitav rääkida.... nii umbes poole ööni. Kui meeskonnas on 12 inimest, kellest üks on taimetoitlane, teine raskel dieedil ning kolm on moslemid, võib ikka raske olla toidukordade planeerimine (iseäranis ramadani ajal).
As I was enjoying the time in Poggioreale, I started moving to Sciacca quite late.... something before 5 pm. At least it was not very long way to go. Sciacca is touristic city.... so this time I falled into the trap again. By the end of the evening when I was trying to find some beach for sleeping I bumped into Carlo, a seaman, and we talked until late night. Yep, its not easy to be a cook on a ship whe the crew of 12 person consists a vegan, somebody on strict diet and also 3 moslems. How to make a cooking plan then? :D
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Sciacca tänav. Why are those umbrellas there? It's never raining.... all for the art. |
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