18.07 ????Campomaggiore
kuhus' nüüd? Pisticcisse? Cracosse? Või otse Materasse?
Where to go? Pisticci? Craco? Directly to Matera?
Mõtlesin Materasse minna, kuid sõbrad ajasid mulle veel mõnede kohtade külastamise isu pääle. Craco on maavärinajärgselt maha jäetud kummituslinn ning nii Craco kui Pisticci lähedal võib näha keni erosiooni avaldusi (sealsesse suhteliselt pehmesse kivimisse on vesi uuristanud rohkelt sälke).
My destination was Matera, the question was "how?". Some of my friends reccommended me to visit Craco (ghost town, abbandoned after a big earthquake in 1980) and some eroded mountains near Pisticci.
Plaan kujunes selline: õhtuks jõuda Cracosse ning järgmisel päeval läbi pisticci Materasse. Aga härra Murphy ei tahtnud nii. Peale mõnusa, putukaid paksult täis oleva, metsatuka läbimist möödusin Albano Lucanost (kunagine Albaanlaste asula)..... Tegin pilti, sest oma silmad olid kärbseid täis ning ei näinud eriti hästi...
So, the plan was to ride to Craco for the evening, look around town in the morning and then go to Matera for afternoon. I left Potenza after greeting friends and enemies, and started to seek small roads to my destination. I climbed up to hill covered by forest full of flies and other unknown insects. My eyes were full of them when I got out.... thats why i needed to take a picture of the place because I didn't see anything.
....ning jõudsin Campomaggioresse. Küsisin esimesest ettejuhtuvast lihapoest
veidi sealse toidukultuuri kohta, seejärel hakkasin vanalinna poole väntama....see oli prawgusest asulast u 3 km. Just siis kui kohale jõudsin hakkas keegi taevas nutma, või solgiämbrit tühjendama (ilmselt hr. Murphy). Nii tore, sai korraliku duši.....oleks vaid šampooni enne pähe pannud 😆.... telefoni oleks ka saanud laadida kui oleks osanud neid õhus olevaid laenguid kuidagi ära kasutada.
Then I rode to Campomaggiore, asked some info from meat shop and went to Old Campomaggiore (some 3 km away). Right at the moment when I arrived somebody started to cry in the sky. SHOWER! and firework (sometimes called thunder).
Põgenesin tagasi uude Campomaggioresse, lihapoodi, kus ma veetsingi tolle õhtu.... ja peaaegu võiks öelda et ka öö (mind majutas sealne töötaja Miriana). Igatahes kvaliteetnalja sai tänu Lucianole ja Mirianale küllaga. Kui te kogemata Campomaggioresse satute, minge sinna: La Boutique della Carne antica Macelleria Loguercio Rocco Luciano.
I escaped back to meat shop and stayed there for long hours. Thanks to owner Luciano and his employee Miriana it was a quality time. A lot of laughter and good/positive/dark humor. You will visit La Boutique della Carne antica Macelleria Loguercio Rocco Luciano if you happen to be there one day.
kuhus' nüüd? Pisticcisse? Cracosse? Või otse Materasse?
Where to go? Pisticci? Craco? Directly to Matera?
Mõtlesin Materasse minna, kuid sõbrad ajasid mulle veel mõnede kohtade külastamise isu pääle. Craco on maavärinajärgselt maha jäetud kummituslinn ning nii Craco kui Pisticci lähedal võib näha keni erosiooni avaldusi (sealsesse suhteliselt pehmesse kivimisse on vesi uuristanud rohkelt sälke).
My destination was Matera, the question was "how?". Some of my friends reccommended me to visit Craco (ghost town, abbandoned after a big earthquake in 1980) and some eroded mountains near Pisticci.
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Pisticci piirkond. Taolist pilti nägin Stigliano lähedal isegi. Pildid pole minu kätetöö, lisainfot saab:Summa V, Giannossi ML (2013) The Role of Soil Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Grain Size in the Development of Mediterranean Badlands: A Review |
So, the plan was to ride to Craco for the evening, look around town in the morning and then go to Matera for afternoon. I left Potenza after greeting friends and enemies, and started to seek small roads to my destination. I climbed up to hill covered by forest full of flies and other unknown insects. My eyes were full of them when I got out.... thats why i needed to take a picture of the place because I didn't see anything.
Then I rode to Campomaggiore, asked some info from meat shop and went to Old Campomaggiore (some 3 km away). Right at the moment when I arrived somebody started to cry in the sky. SHOWER! and firework (sometimes called thunder).
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Old Campomaggiore. Campomaggiore Vecchia. In 3 minutes it starts to rain |
Põgenesin tagasi uude Campomaggioresse, lihapoodi, kus ma veetsingi tolle õhtu.... ja peaaegu võiks öelda et ka öö (mind majutas sealne töötaja Miriana). Igatahes kvaliteetnalja sai tänu Lucianole ja Mirianale küllaga. Kui te kogemata Campomaggioresse satute, minge sinna: La Boutique della Carne antica Macelleria Loguercio Rocco Luciano.
I escaped back to meat shop and stayed there for long hours. Thanks to owner Luciano and his employee Miriana it was a quality time. A lot of laughter and good/positive/dark humor. You will visit La Boutique della Carne antica Macelleria Loguercio Rocco Luciano if you happen to be there one day.