Tjah, hommikul vaatasin, et ei tulegi nii hull päev. Google maps ütles, et Regalbutost Etna otsa on vaid 70 km, küll ülesmäge, kuid siiski.... Igaks juhuks jõin ikkagi peaaegu 2 tundi kohvi, et pingutuseks valmis olla.
In the morning when I checked the distance to Etna from Google Maps it didn't seem too bad. Only 70 km.... uphill. Still I took almost 2 hours to enjoy the morning caffe, just to be ready for the endeavor.
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Hommik, teel Adranosse. Morning |
The road until Adrano was quite easy, mp3 was playing and I was singing, still full of energy from last evening (a lot of meat and other stuff, you know). As it's typical to Sicily the edges of road were full of rubbish (actually it was a bit better in central Sicily, near to Poggioreale and Enna).
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Sitsiilias tavaline nähtus - prügilademed tee ääres. |
In Adrano I asked people which road is the best to arrive to the crater of Etna and where does it start. They looked surprised and most of them didn't have any idea of those roads. There is a bus and train going there!!! :( Actually it's normal, that they have never visited the vulcano because it's just too close to them..... it doesn't seem interesting enough because it's always there (There are still a lot of places that I have never visited in Estonia as well).
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Adrano, Chiesa Madre. Juba Normannide ajast (11.sajand), kuid aja jooksul ümber ehitatud |
Adrano ja Etna vahel pole ma teinud ühtegi pilti!? Sellele on kaks seletust: 1)paljud kohad/vaated olid liiga ilusad ning võimsad, et neid üritada oma stupid-fõuni fookusesse püüda; 2)olin lihtsalt liiga väsinud ülesmäkke väntamisest/kõndimisest. Selguse huvides tuleb mainida, et erinevalt tavalistest kurvilistest mägiteedest oli seekord tegemist peaaegu otse minevate teedega, mis tähendas et nt 1km kõrguste vahe oli ära jaotatud 2 korda lühemale distantsile kui alpides ja Sardiinias.... nt olid teel kohati 12-13% tõusud, kus ma lihtsalt kõndisin, samal ajal jalgratast ülespoole pressides. Umbes 6 km enne viimase asustatud kohani (hostelid ja suveniiripoed) jõudmist peatus üks auto. Juht, mingi Etna giid või spordiinstruktor vms, pakkus mulle küüti, kuid ma polnud nõus alla andma ning keeldusin viisakalt tänades :D. Lõpuks, nii umbes 3 km enne rifugio't tegin ikkagi natuke sohki, tahtmatult. Peatusin väikeses panoraami pildistamiseks mõeldud taskus/parklas, tõmbasin hinge ja järasin leiba (loe: saia) kui saabusid kaks ratturit. Nood muidugi kohe julgustasid, et kohe-kohe on finish, ainult kolm kilomeetrit veel jäänud..... Ma vist vahtisin ainult juhmi näoga neile otsa, mõeldes, et ega laip ei suuda ka 3 km läbida (mul oli surnud punkt juba saabunud). Igatahes olid nad piisavalt gentelmenid, et mind ära oodata ning nii moraalselt kui ka füüsiliselt üles vedada (liikusin nii aeglaselt, et neil vist kannatus katkes ning nad lükkasid mind natuge sadulast). Väga armas neist ;D.
Aga see oli ainult ratta finish..... kraatrile tõus oli ju alles ees. See oli umbes 6-8 km jalgsi. Õnneks lubas hotelli administraator mul jalgratta hotelli fuajeese jätta, ning tualettruumi kasutada (olin õppinud, et ka kraanikauss võib peaaegu duširuumi funktsiooni täita).
Oli juba hämardumas, kui kõndima hakkasin. Üks-kaks-kolm-neli, üks-kaks-kolm-neli ja naeratus näole, üks-kaks-kolm-neli. Laulsin "I cento passi" (Modena City Ramblers), kujutasin ette, et reie nelipead olid ju tegelikult täiesti puhanud ning et mu tossudes olevad 1 cm2 augud pole seal selleks et kivid SISSE tuleksid vaid hoopis selleks, et nad sealt VÄLJA pääseksid.
I didn't get any good road advices, so I continued with my small Italian road atlas and the last map of Google maps that i had saved in my stupid-phone. I got lost only 4 times which made 20 extra kms :D.
When checking out pictures I've made this day I realized that I didn't take any photos between Adrano and rifugio Giovanni Sapienza. There are propably two explanations for that: 1)The view was too amazing for trying to catch it on the pic. 2)I was just too tired of pedaling or walking and pushing my bike uphill. I need to say that the Alpes were easier to cross, because they were curvy and the slope was milder. Roads to Etna were quite direct and steep (12-15 % sometimes).
Last 3 kms before the last base of civilization I cheated a bit. Two cyclers passed by and took me with them, pushing my bike from the saddle during hardest parts of the way. Merci beaucoup!! Of course it was only the end of biking. I still needed to walk some 6-8 kms to arrive on top of the vulcano.
I left Massimo in reception of rifugio, took a fast shower in toilet and started hiking.
It was getting dark already. One-two-three (or free :D)-four-five -ten-hundred steps (singing "I cento passi" by Modena City Ramblers). Trying to imagine that my quadriceps femoris were not aching at all and that holes in my shoes were not leaking and letting stones in.
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Päike loojub kohe... |
Despite all difficulties I was happy to be there. It was splendid up there: nobody else (all the visitors were in hotels), behind ash mountains there was still glow of sunset and in the other side I saw the sea, small villages and Catania.
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Seal all on meri ning Catania. Down there is the sea and Catania |
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Lumemägi pimedas öös või laavamägi upside down? Snowy mountain at night or a lava mountain upside down? |
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1000 stars hotel, as always. Romantic evening on top of the Etna.... just me, wind, lava ash and sulphur fumes :D |
I realized that it wasn't possible to get to the crater before complete darkness, so I stopped ca. 1-2 km south-east from it. The view was wonderful: lights of Catania, sea in front of me and a smoky chimney (called Etna) behind. After sleeping 3 hours there I was awaken by strong-strong wind..... it was anyway quite cool there considering the fact that it was 2,5-2,8 km above sea level. Better to escape! I walked back maybe 2 kms, where there was the last base of funicular. There were some buildings and a bus..... it was open. You will guess what did i do? Did I stay outside, suffering from wind and cold? Or I jumped in the bus and slept there until sunrise?
21.07 Etna
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"Hotellituba". Only 7* hotel this time. |
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Korsten suitseb. Smoky chimney |
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Lumi/jää/liustik tuha all. There is some ice covered by ash and lavic stones. |
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Igal pool leidub keegi, kelle jaoks tingimused sobivad? All kind of conditions are suitable for somebody? |
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Lisaks peakraatrile on Etnal arvukalt väiksemaid tuhakoonuseid. |
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