24.07 Diamante-Sapri-Palinuro
Hommiku veetsin ujudes, lõuna aal jätkasin teekonda "kodulinna" poole. Selle asemel, et otse (ca. 160 km)minna, läksin läbi Cilento rahvuspargi, Salerno ja Eboli, mis tegi distantsi 150 km pikemaks. Tahtsin sõpru tervitada..... näost näkku vahelduse mõttes. Ka tee pääl kohtasin väga meeldivaid inimesi, isegi üht ratturit kellega koos kena 30 km väntasin. Palinuros vaatlesin veidi turistide promeneerimist enne kui sobivat randa otsima asusin. Klassika.... mida kõike mind üritatakse tarbima sundida kui vähegi välismaalase moodi välja näen..... isegi kui on näha, et ma ei saaks kuidagi mingit maali või kujukest oma seljakotti või ratta külge mahutada :D. Põgenesin sihtkoha suunas jäävas ranna poole... õnneks oli see mõned km asulast väljas. Kui tundus et olin juba valgustatud tsoonist väljas nägin üht tüüpi pizzeriast väljumas.
Mina: "kas siin lähedal on mõni rand kus oleks ohutu magada?"
Mr X: "jah, siinsamas ongi, ma võin näidata"
Mina: "Väga hea, suur aitäh!"
Mr X: "Näed, siin on katusealune, kui peaks sadama hakkama. Wifi parooli näed ukse juures, ning rannas võid rahulikult lamamistooli kasutada.... ahjaa, vaata, seal istub Ali, ta valvab öösel randa"
Tegemist oli ranna omaniku/valdajaga. Rääkisime ja järasime pizzat hilise ööni.... Dieedile see küll hästi ei mõju :(.
I continued pedaling at noon.... heading to Cilento National Park. Actually the next destination was Eboli... to see some friends, but it was way too many kms to make with 1 day, so Cilento was fair enough. I stopped for the night near Palinuro, after having fun observing tourists. Out of the town I saw one guy crossing the road, so I attacked.
Me: Good evening, is there some safe beach nearby.... you know, something where it's safe to sleep?
Mr X: Yep, it's right here, I'll show you.
Me: Nice, thanks a lot
Mr X: So....look, here is the veranda of cafe, if it's going to rain you'll sleep here. There are reclining chairs on the beach which you can use as well, the password of Wifi you'll find next to the door.... And look, there is Ali sitting.... he is staying here all night long as the guard.
He was the owner of this beach.... we just sat and talked until late night there, eating pizza..... not so good for my diet :D
25.07 Palinuro-Salerno-Eboli
Tere hommikust! Kell on juba 6.25
Good morning, it's 6.25 already!
Cilento rahvuspargis oli jällegi nii ilus, et pildistamisest loobusin. Inimesed aga ei olnud eriti sümpaatsed, või oli minus viga.... Kui küsisin ühelt mehelt veidi tee infot, kujunes vestlus nii:
Mina: "Tere, ega Te ei tea kui palju on maad Agropolisse? On see tee väga mägine?"
Tema: "See on liiga kaugel, sa ei lähe sinna ometo rattaga. Jää parem siia.... siin on mõnus rand ja ilusad mehed"
Mina: "Tegelikult lähen ma Ebolisse, kahjuks pole võimalik hetkel siia jääda."
Tema: "Mida kapsast sa seal Ebolis teed, see on ju kole koht?!"
Mina: "Lähen sõpradele külla."
Tema: "Need on koledad/halvad sõbrad sul seal Ebolis!"
Mina: "Aitäh, härra, kuid isegi kole Eboli mu koledate sõpradega on kutsuvam kui ülbikuid täis kuurort! Siiski, aitäh nõu andmast!"
In Cilento there were so beautiful places that I didn't took photos.....again. People was so so.
When I asked some information about the road from one guy in Acciaroli:
Me: "how is the road to Agropoli and how many kms it is?"
he: "It's far away, better stay here, we have nice beach and beautiful guys here"
me: "I'm going to Eboli actually"
he: "To Eboli? Why? It's ugly there."
me: "I go to visit my friends."
he: "They are ugly friends there in Eboli."
me: "Thank you, sir, but ugly Eboli with ugly friends is still much more attractive than beautiful resort with arrogant people! Anyway thank you for advice!"
By the way I lost one of my pedals finally.... already from Etna I felt that something was wrong with both of them, but now the plastic really gave up. 30 km with one pedal was actually funny. Then I found a bike shop (i needed some tools) and put on my old metallic things again.
Agropoli-->Salerno. boring and also the ugliest road I have biked. Litoranea (SP175)
Salerno- meeting some of those bike guys that I had met in Sardegna, eating too much of good ice-cream...... And then, quickly to Eboli. Gessyyyyy, here I come!!
Hommiku veetsin ujudes, lõuna aal jätkasin teekonda "kodulinna" poole. Selle asemel, et otse (ca. 160 km)minna, läksin läbi Cilento rahvuspargi, Salerno ja Eboli, mis tegi distantsi 150 km pikemaks. Tahtsin sõpru tervitada..... näost näkku vahelduse mõttes. Ka tee pääl kohtasin väga meeldivaid inimesi, isegi üht ratturit kellega koos kena 30 km väntasin. Palinuros vaatlesin veidi turistide promeneerimist enne kui sobivat randa otsima asusin. Klassika.... mida kõike mind üritatakse tarbima sundida kui vähegi välismaalase moodi välja näen..... isegi kui on näha, et ma ei saaks kuidagi mingit maali või kujukest oma seljakotti või ratta külge mahutada :D. Põgenesin sihtkoha suunas jäävas ranna poole... õnneks oli see mõned km asulast väljas. Kui tundus et olin juba valgustatud tsoonist väljas nägin üht tüüpi pizzeriast väljumas.
Mina: "kas siin lähedal on mõni rand kus oleks ohutu magada?"
Mr X: "jah, siinsamas ongi, ma võin näidata"
Mina: "Väga hea, suur aitäh!"
Mr X: "Näed, siin on katusealune, kui peaks sadama hakkama. Wifi parooli näed ukse juures, ning rannas võid rahulikult lamamistooli kasutada.... ahjaa, vaata, seal istub Ali, ta valvab öösel randa"
Tegemist oli ranna omaniku/valdajaga. Rääkisime ja järasime pizzat hilise ööni.... Dieedile see küll hästi ei mõju :(.
I continued pedaling at noon.... heading to Cilento National Park. Actually the next destination was Eboli... to see some friends, but it was way too many kms to make with 1 day, so Cilento was fair enough. I stopped for the night near Palinuro, after having fun observing tourists. Out of the town I saw one guy crossing the road, so I attacked.
Me: Good evening, is there some safe beach nearby.... you know, something where it's safe to sleep?
Mr X: Yep, it's right here, I'll show you.
Me: Nice, thanks a lot
Mr X: So....look, here is the veranda of cafe, if it's going to rain you'll sleep here. There are reclining chairs on the beach which you can use as well, the password of Wifi you'll find next to the door.... And look, there is Ali sitting.... he is staying here all night long as the guard.
He was the owner of this beach.... we just sat and talked until late night there, eating pizza..... not so good for my diet :D
25.07 Palinuro-Salerno-Eboli
Tere hommikust! Kell on juba 6.25
Good morning, it's 6.25 already!
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Lido Bellavista. My hotel for last night. |
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Julien hommikujooksu tegemas, mina omas elemendis. Julien and me, going uphill. |
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Unfortunately I don't remember the name of this place. Oh it's Pisciotta, i just googled places where i passed by, and there was almost the same pic. ;D |
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Graffity in Pisciotta |
Mina: "Tere, ega Te ei tea kui palju on maad Agropolisse? On see tee väga mägine?"
Tema: "See on liiga kaugel, sa ei lähe sinna ometo rattaga. Jää parem siia.... siin on mõnus rand ja ilusad mehed"
Mina: "Tegelikult lähen ma Ebolisse, kahjuks pole võimalik hetkel siia jääda."
Tema: "Mida kapsast sa seal Ebolis teed, see on ju kole koht?!"
Mina: "Lähen sõpradele külla."
Tema: "Need on koledad/halvad sõbrad sul seal Ebolis!"
Mina: "Aitäh, härra, kuid isegi kole Eboli mu koledate sõpradega on kutsuvam kui ülbikuid täis kuurort! Siiski, aitäh nõu andmast!"
In Cilento there were so beautiful places that I didn't took photos.....again. People was so so.
When I asked some information about the road from one guy in Acciaroli:
Me: "how is the road to Agropoli and how many kms it is?"
he: "It's far away, better stay here, we have nice beach and beautiful guys here"
me: "I'm going to Eboli actually"
he: "To Eboli? Why? It's ugly there."
me: "I go to visit my friends."
he: "They are ugly friends there in Eboli."
me: "Thank you, sir, but ugly Eboli with ugly friends is still much more attractive than beautiful resort with arrogant people! Anyway thank you for advice!"
By the way I lost one of my pedals finally.... already from Etna I felt that something was wrong with both of them, but now the plastic really gave up. 30 km with one pedal was actually funny. Then I found a bike shop (i needed some tools) and put on my old metallic things again.
Agropoli-->Salerno. boring and also the ugliest road I have biked. Litoranea (SP175)
Salerno- meeting some of those bike guys that I had met in Sardegna, eating too much of good ice-cream...... And then, quickly to Eboli. Gessyyyyy, here I come!!
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