22.07 Scilla-Torremezzo ca. 165 km
.....Päeva algas päris tavaliselt - tegin silmad lahti. Hiline hommik juba.... kell peaaegu 8. Vaatasin ringi, et aru saada mis katusealune ja kanuud need ikkagi ning avastasin, et keegi seisab kanuude kõrval, vaatab mulle otsa ja muigab. Eeehheeeehhh.... Tere hommikust! Ega Teid ei sega, et ma siin Teie kioski ukse ees magan, laskmata laenutust avada?? Jah, see oligi kanuulaenutuse omanik. Ta ei pannud üldse pahaks, et ma seal oma magamiskotis põõnasin, roheline nagu kapsauss (ilmselgelt varemgi kodutuid näinud), tegi hoopis kohvi meile. Ja sinna see kavatsus/lootus vara sõitu alustada kustuski. Lasime suuveskitel jahvatada natuke, sest sellisel kella-aalkanuutajaid veel nagunii pole. Kui minema hakkasin, ilmus kusagilt putka nurgast välja kena liiter koduveini. Koti massil ei saa ju lasta langeda (aja jooksul ikka üht-teist pudeneb hajameelsusest teele... nt maika lasi jalga juba Poolas plätud põhja-Itaalias, Riia palsam Cagliaris, sokid igal pool. Millegagi tuleb ju algne raskus taastada).
.... I opened my eyes in late morning, it was almost 8 am already. Looking around I realized that somebody was watching me and smirking. Eehhhmm, Good morning, sir! Is it a problem that I'm sleeping here, just in front of your kiosk, impeding you to open?? Yep, it was the owner of the canoe rental which I had almost occupied..... fortunately he was okey with me sleeping there... he just started to make caffe. And it was the end of the promise to start riding early. 2 hours of talking about everything and nothing.... yeah, that's why I travel. When I started to go, he dug out a bottle of homemade red wine, because he thought that my backpack was too light (actually it was, because I had already lost a lot of things on the road).
Üles-alla, üles-alla, tüüpiline mägine rannik. Tegelikult mulle väga meeldivad säärased, sest sõit on väga vahelduv ning vaated lihtsalt võrratud. Päris mägedes on liiga pikad tõusud ning tasandikul on kohati nii igav, et võib ratta seljaski tukkuma jääda. Tee peal üritasin peatuda mitmetes kohtades, kuid inimesed tundusid olevat väga suletud ning mereäärsed kohad olid puhkajaid täis. Tulemuseks oli vähem möla, pikem samm. Mileto lähedal sai natuke kohalike bemarivendadega aasitud, aga üldiselt oli pigem sõidupäev.
Up and down, up and down.... it was a typic road on rocky coastline. I love this kind of landscape for riding, because of its' nice views and variability, not too hard and not boring like wide flat land. People in Calabria were not very open (expect the canoe guy in the morning :D), so I was not stopping too much, because it was more interesting and beautiful to ride and not waste time in touristic places on the coast.
Lihtsalt kulgesin külast külasse, jälgides inimesi, taimkatte vaheldumisi, metsatulekahjusid jne....
I just rode from village to village, observing people, changes in vegetation, forest fires....
Vibo Valentas tegin väikese pärastlõunase kohvipausi, ning loomulikult külastasin ka lemmikruumi
In Vibo Valenta I decided to make a caffe break... and toilet break
Suddenly I realized that it was only 100 km left to the summer house of my friends. I decided to get even closer, so that i could arrive to their place during the first part of next day. Small dinner/apperitivi in Amantea with some DJ-s and back to road in darkness. ´Finally I stop in Torremezzo, because I heard some salsa and bachata from beach. Good ending for the long day.
.....Päeva algas päris tavaliselt - tegin silmad lahti. Hiline hommik juba.... kell peaaegu 8. Vaatasin ringi, et aru saada mis katusealune ja kanuud need ikkagi ning avastasin, et keegi seisab kanuude kõrval, vaatab mulle otsa ja muigab. Eeehheeeehhh.... Tere hommikust! Ega Teid ei sega, et ma siin Teie kioski ukse ees magan, laskmata laenutust avada?? Jah, see oligi kanuulaenutuse omanik. Ta ei pannud üldse pahaks, et ma seal oma magamiskotis põõnasin, roheline nagu kapsauss (ilmselgelt varemgi kodutuid näinud), tegi hoopis kohvi meile. Ja sinna see kavatsus/lootus vara sõitu alustada kustuski. Lasime suuveskitel jahvatada natuke, sest sellisel kella-aalkanuutajaid veel nagunii pole. Kui minema hakkasin, ilmus kusagilt putka nurgast välja kena liiter koduveini. Koti massil ei saa ju lasta langeda (aja jooksul ikka üht-teist pudeneb hajameelsusest teele... nt maika lasi jalga juba Poolas plätud põhja-Itaalias, Riia palsam Cagliaris, sokid igal pool. Millegagi tuleb ju algne raskus taastada).
.... I opened my eyes in late morning, it was almost 8 am already. Looking around I realized that somebody was watching me and smirking. Eehhhmm, Good morning, sir! Is it a problem that I'm sleeping here, just in front of your kiosk, impeding you to open?? Yep, it was the owner of the canoe rental which I had almost occupied..... fortunately he was okey with me sleeping there... he just started to make caffe. And it was the end of the promise to start riding early. 2 hours of talking about everything and nothing.... yeah, that's why I travel. When I started to go, he dug out a bottle of homemade red wine, because he thought that my backpack was too light (actually it was, because I had already lost a lot of things on the road).
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Trepist alla, otse Türreeni merre!! Hääletaks paadi peale?? Scendi le scale e finisci nella piscina chiamato Mar Tirreno. The boat is waiting for me I guess.? |
Up and down, up and down.... it was a typic road on rocky coastline. I love this kind of landscape for riding, because of its' nice views and variability, not too hard and not boring like wide flat land. People in Calabria were not very open (expect the canoe guy in the morning :D), so I was not stopping too much, because it was more interesting and beautiful to ride and not waste time in touristic places on the coast.
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Mileto? Ma ei teagi, kus see pilt on tehtud. Non lo so dove e scattato questa foto.... Where were I?? |
I just rode from village to village, observing people, changes in vegetation, forest fires....
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Somewhere, close to Vibo Valenta. No forest fire here, but I found some just few miles away |
In Vibo Valenta I decided to make a caffe break... and toilet break
Suddenly I realized that it was only 100 km left to the summer house of my friends. I decided to get even closer, so that i could arrive to their place during the first part of next day. Small dinner/apperitivi in Amantea with some DJ-s and back to road in darkness. ´Finally I stop in Torremezzo, because I heard some salsa and bachata from beach. Good ending for the long day.
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