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You can donate the trip. Account: Anu Hark, EE862200221067441148

neljapäev, 16. veebruar 2017

Erasmus+ in Romania "Stick with the school"

Juba jälle teele!!
Poleks uskunud, et järgmine reis nii kiiresti saabub. Mul oli tõsine plaan püsida enam-vähem kodus, õppida ja kirjutada magistritööd kuni mai lõpuni, aga......Sõitsin rongiga, seal oli wifi ning üks endine ühikakaaslane saatis mulle ühe Erasmus+ poolt rahastatava projekti tutvustuse. Mingil saladuslikul põhjusel täitsin ma kohe avalduse, saatsin ära ning keskööks sain juba jaatava vastuse. Ostsin piletid ning olengi lõksus. Näete nüüd isegi, et rongiga sõitmine on ohtlikum kui hääletamine, sest viimase puhul olen ma vähemalt levist väljas ning keegi ei saa mulle rumalaid ideid pähe panna (mul on neid endalgi piisavalt).

Niisiis olen 20.-26. veebruaril Craiova linnas Rumeenias (kahjuks asub see tasandikul) ning teoreetiliselt tegelen noortega, kes jätavad kooli liiga varakult pooleli. Eks näis.... olen alati suhtunud teatava eelarvamusega säärastesse noorteprojektidesse (tundub, et alati on palju blablabla-d, mingeid grupitöid, ajurünnakuid, pidu, rahvusvahelisi tutvusi, uusi sõpru jne, aga reaalne tulemus projekti põhieesmärgi saavutamisel jääb segaseks/nähtamatuks.... ok, saan aru, et arenemine ongi pikk protsess ning muutused ei tule kunagi üleöö), olekski aeg sellest eelarvamusest lahti saada.....või sellele kinnitust leida.
Osalevad riigid: Bulgaaria, Rumeenia, Itaalia, Eesti, Türgi, Kreeka

Pühapäeval lendan Bukaresti ning edasi liigun Craiovasse.... häälega? rongiga? Igatahes uudishimu on suur.

20-26 february 2017 in Craiova, Romania
Participating countries: Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Estonia, Greece, Turkey.
Project description:
“Stick with school' is a project that involves 6 NGOs from 6 partner countries with a duration of 6 months and the activities that will be held in Craiova, Romania. Each partner will provide 4 youth workers  from their local community w. This training course would like to explore how youth work can support formal education on how to deal with young people in risk of leaving education early through a Non-formal education approach in a 7 days training course where all the participants will gain specific abilities and competences, will meet with stakeholders and will exchange good practices examples.

It's not my fault. I really planned to stay home, write my final theses and study until the end of the may, but when I was returning to Tartu BY TRAIN, one of my previous dormitory mates sent me the letter of this project. And for some unknown reason I filled the application form, got the positive answer for midnight and bought my tickets to Bucuresti. You see that using a train is more dangerous than hitchhiking..... at least I dont have internet on the road then :D.

So, this sunday I fly to Bucuresti.... Let's see what kind of trouble and adventures I'll pick up there. Even more interesting is how the project is going to function.... I have always had a bit of prejudice about youth programs/projects, that's why I actually decided to participate.... I want to kill this prejudice

kolmapäev, 15. veebruar 2017

Map of Giro d'Italia 2017

Siin siis mu viimase reisi marsruut:
My last journey in italy by My Maps

Toimumisaeg:19.01.2017 - 10.02.2017

Liikumisviisid: Häälega, jalgsi, ronides
Ways of moving: hitchhiking, on foot, by hands and teeth (climbing)

Jätan välja ekspress-hääletamise teekonna, kuna see pole tegelikult päris reisi osa...
I excluded the express hitching to Estonia, as it's not the real part of the trip :D

teisipäev, 14. veebruar 2017

Express hitch-hiking to Estonia

10.02.2017 at 8.30 - 13.02.2017 at 5.30 (Italian time).
69 hours, 2650 km. Google mapsi link teekonnast: Monza-Tallinn

10.02  Monza - Villach
Sellest ma juba rääkisin eelmises postituses.

I already talked about it in last piece....

11.02 Villach - Rybnik
Hommikul olin kui surnu ning võib-olla just seetõttu läks ka hääletamine edutult. 5 tundi töllerdamist ja tiksumist tee ääres. Oooeeh, läheks Itaaliasse tagasi. Juba käis närvidele see külm, võib-olla liiga protestantlik/kapitalistlik kultuur (paraku ei räägi ma eriti saksa keelt, niisiis suhtlemine oli nagunii raskendatud). Õnneks tulevad alati appi poolakad. Otse küüt Lõuna-Poolasse Rybniku lähedale. Seal sain jälle kaua oodata. Mingid poolpurjus tüübid tahtsid mind nii-väga aidata, ning kuna liikumissuund oli neil teine, jätsid nad mulle lohutuseks kotitäie õlut. Nohjahnoh, eks ma siis tassisin Eestisse veidi Poola õlut... keegi ikka tahab.

In the morning I felt dead, maybe thats why it was so hard to hitchhike and get the ride..... who wants to pick up somebody who is not able to keep eyes open? 5 hours just walking next to the road. It seemed that an austrian person will never pick me up.... fortunately there are a lot of polish drivers passing by. Lucky me - one ride directly to South-Poland near Rybnik. 5 hours of waiting again. There were some half-drunk guys who wanted to help me so much that even though they had another direction, they left me a bag full of local beer. OK, I'll take some beer to Estonia then.... maybe I'll need it in the summer.
12.02 Rybnik - Bauska
kella 2 aal öösel sain rekkaga küüti Varssavisse ning sealt edasi mingi imeliku mikrobussiga Lomzasse.... ma isegi ei tea kuidas ma sinna julgesin istuda.... Mööblit ja inimesi täis... mingi tüüp magas taga, asjade hunniku otsas. Need olid ka viimased tunnid kui ma telefoni omasin. See libe sell hõppas mul ilmselt taskust välja kui autost lahkusin. Mis seal ikka, üritasin küll tankla töötajate telefoniga oma numbrile helistades asja parandada.... lootsin, et auto pole veel liiga kaugel ning omanikud kuulevad helisemist, kuid nii hästi ei läinud. OK, tagasi teele. Järgmine  poolakas kes peatus oli teel Soome, kuid arvestades, et rekkajuhtide tööpäeva pikkus ei tohi ületada 9 tundi, tähendas see vaid jõudmist Bauska linnani Lätis (siis pidi juht vähemalt 9 tunnise pausi tegema). Kurjam, Lätis ei tundnud ma end küll eriti kodus - kuidagi väga külm ja kõle. Tankla töötaja oli küll sõbralik, kuid tundus ikkagi alati ehmunud olevat kui ma taga rääkida üritasin.

At 2 am I got next ride to Warsaw, then with an microbus to Lomza..... last hours having a phone. Yeah it fell out of my pocket when I left the car probably. I tryed to call my nr from petrol station, but without success..... OK, back to the road. Next polish trucker took me to Bauska, Latvia.

13.03 Bauska - Tallinn
 Järgmine poolakas viis mu Märjamaa lähedale (ma magasin suurema osa teest, niiet ma tegelikult ei saanud aru kus ma olin) ning sealt edasi jäi veel väike ots Tallinnani..... Kell 6.30 olin kodus. SOE MUSTSÕSTRAMOOSIJOOK ja VOODI 😌. Telefoni olin küll kaotanud, kuid see-eest olin kusagilt tee pealt mingi viiruse üles korjanud. Paar päeva ma vist reisida ei taha!

Another 2 hours waiting.... and another polish guy took me to Märjamaa, Estonia. Last 60 kms. Estonian guy.... what a miracle, I was already waiting for some polish :D. At 6.30 I was home, drank a cup of HOT BLACKCURRANT JUICE and went to SLEEP in MY OWN BED. Yeah, thats right, I was tired. Some days I won't travel.... at least 3 days....

Pean mainima et ekspress-hääletamine on väga väsitav ja igav, vähemalt juhul kui poola keele oskus on nõrk. Tavaliselt pakuvad rahvusvahelistel kiirteedel küüti just poola rekkajuhid. Neil pole häda midagi, kuid nad ei harrasta keeleõpet. Niisiis ma nokkisin enamus ajast, üritades mitte magama jääda, kuid siiski olles enamus aega mingis imelikus uduses olekus.
Järgmise korrani!!

The express-hitching is quite boring i need to say. I like polish people and I have nothing bad to say about truck drivers, but I don't speak polish. So I was mostly trying not to sleep but actually doing it anyway. For smaller distances and in smaller roads there is more possibility to find some small car, but on international highways mostly truckers pick up travellers..... and most of them are polish anyway (actually also most of hitchhikers are polish or german).
Hasta pronto! See you soon!

laupäev, 11. veebruar 2017

Missing Terronia

08.02 .....Vareses leidsin ühe tänavamuusiku abiga üles ronimissaali, niisiis ei pidanud ma kannatama liikumispuuduse all :D. Nagu ikka, oli seltskond hea ning ka algajate tase kõrge. Sain tuttavaks Miriamiga, kellega olime samal tasemel ning projektisime samu radu. Õhtut jätkasime Miriami vanemate juures risottot süües ja Braulio’t maitstes.

In Varese I found the climbing hall ant thanks to that also some nice people :D. Miriam, one of the climbers invited me for a dinner with her family and also hosted me that night. Really symphatic family!!

lllmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... jäin arvuti taga magama. I fell asleep in front of computer... anyway thats the Como lake between mountains

09.02  jätkasin teed Monza suunas..... olime Ilariaga juba kohtumise kokku leppinud. Vältisin kiirteed ning läksin läbi Como.... aega ju oli ning tahtsin näha veel natuke ilu enne kui Milanole liiga lähedale jõuan.

I continued to go towards Monza to meet Ilaria (old friend from Erasmus time in Potenza). I decided to avoid the highway as I wanted to see at least some beauty before getting to Milano zone. Yeah, Miriam took me to Como. Nice!

Lago di Como


I found my place in Como

Torn..... Tower?
Tore oli vahelduseks väikestel teedel uidata.... lühikesed küüdid ning huvitavad inimesed. Monza kesklinnas nägin taas seda sama tänavamuusikut, kes mul Vareses ronimissaali guugeldada aitas.

Small roads are much better compared to highway.... only problem is that it takes a bit time to go long distances. Fortunately this time I had only some 40 kms to go. Short rides but interesting people. One guy (Stefano) just picked me up because he saw my climbing shoes hanging on my backpack.... we had a lot in commonit seemed to me..... In the center of Como I met again the street musician who had helped me to find the climbing hall last evening in Varese. The world is small, and Italy is even smaller.

My observing place in Monza (I was observing youngsters who just came from school... very funny)

Duomo di Monza

Monza.... taaskohtumine Ilariaga ja hea toit. Õhtu Monza kesklinnas veidi hipsterlikus veinikas ning väike rumba teises lokaalis. Millegipärast keegi eriti ei tantsinud.... hulk "normaalseid" inimesi jälle.  :D .....Viimane nö puhkusepäev.

Monza. Meeting Ilaria, eating good food and drinking wine in a bit hipster looking winery.... a bit of rumba in an other place where most of people tried to look normal or even annoying unfortunately. But I will still performe the dance of crazy cow?? Bailemos todos vacca loca?? It was the last day of vacation.

Vinery.... The place with flying bikes can't be bad.... and it wasn't

 Edaspidi ootab ees ekspresshääletamine Eestisse.... eesmärgiga jõuda kohale esmaspäeva (13.02) õhtuks.

Next step is express-hitching to Estonia. My scope was to get there for monday. Lets bet how it goes.

10.02 Monza-Villach
 Hommikul viis Ila mu kiirtee äärsesse tanklasse ära ning sain kohe ka küüdi Bresciasse, edasi oli plaan Trento poole liikuda..... Juht aga veenis mu ümber ning lahkusin kiirteelt Sirmionesse.

In the morning Ilaria took me to the petrol station next to highway and I got the ride to Brescia very fast..... Actually I went to Sirmione (the driver convinced me to visit this nice little village on Lago di Garda). 


Casstle of Sirmione

Getting lost in Sirmione

kaljune poolsaar millel küla asub

Tore küla oli, aga pärast oli väga raske teele tagasi saada.  Pidin Bresciasse tagasi hääletama, sest sain aru, et hoolimata distantsi pikenemisest on sealt suurem lootus edasi liikuda kui Peschierast. Trento suunas ei läinud igatahes kedagi ning lõpuks pidin ikkagi otsustama vana, juba läbitud marsruudi kasuks (Verona-Padova-Udine). Ööseks sain poolakate furgooniga Austriasse Villachisse. See oli paras kannatus, sest üks kahest onklist ei suutnud kuidagi vaikida. „Led Zeppelin is numero uno per me, capito?“ Blablabla, capito? (capito?= kas said aru?).... lõpuks väsitas ära see kõigest aru saamine ja selle kinnitamine ning tekkis küsimus kas ta pidas mind idioodiks või oli ise natuke metsa poole.... Otsustasin Villachis reede õhtut tähistada. Kõigis lokaalides  oli ainult elektro.... che schifo! 

Yeah, the village was nice to see, but now I was in trouble again. Getting back to the road was not easy at all. I needed to turn back to Brescia, as I understood that Peschiera was a mistaken place for my direction. After some small rides until Udine I got a longer ride to Austria from two polish guys. Oh, bloody hell.... they were really nice and friendly, but so-so annoying (at least one of them). After every sentence he asked "Capito?" which means "understood?". Yeah, at least I like to think that I'm not an idiot, so deffinitely I understood..... Then I started to answer that no, I didn't understand a word. For the night I decided to stay in Villach, as it was a friday night and I wanted to see Austrian party. There was only electro music everywhere.... unlucky me

11.02 Villach-.....
Olen endiselt Villachis.... unistades unest.... ja Terroniast ehk Lõuna-Itaaliast.... Olgu, siin Austrias olles tundub ka põhi täitsa ok. Austrias ei tunne ma end sugugi koduselt.

Still in Villach. Dead. Dreaming of sleep and Terronia (south-Italy). Actually now, being in Austria, also North-Italy seems really warm and friendly place. Also some Austrians that I met were quite interesting, but something was missing.... I don't know what.


kolmapäev, 8. veebruar 2017


07.02 Torino
Torino oma hiilguses. View from Monte dei Cappuccini

Koolikiusamise vastane näitus, kontsert jne

 Terve päeva tallasin mööda Torinot ringi. Arhitektuur on ilus.... palju barokki...

All day long I was walking around the city. Nothing bad to say. An international place with nice architecture.
Piazza Castello. Common meeting place.... at least for me and Luca :D

Chiesa Gran Madre

Kuninganna suveresidents. The summer residence of the queen..... I don't know which of them

Of course I went climbing. Climbing hall "B-Side"
Päeva lõpetuseks õhtusöök Lorenzo juures ning imelik muusika. Enrico Canta Male

We finished the day with Luca and Lorenzo eating pasta with "ragu al nonno" and listening to weird music

08.02 Torino-Varese
Plaan oli minna Milano lähedale samas seda koledat linna vältides. Homme kohtun sõbrannaga Monzas, niisiis oleks tore juba täna enam-vähem sinna lähedale jõuda.

The plan was to get close to Milano but not to enter to this city (it's not my favourite one in Italy). Tomorrow I'll meet my friend in Monza... that's why I want to get close to this zone
Periferia di Torino

Valik oli suur: kiirtee või maantee.... Aosta, Vercelli või Milano
Alustuseks sain küüti Gallaratesse ning peale 3 tundi kõndimist Varesesse.... loodan, et siin on ronimissaal...terve õhtu ei viitsi kõndida.....

I got the ride to Gallarate and after 3 hours of walking to Varese. Now I hope that I find some place for climbing, as I'm tired of walking.

teisipäev, 7. veebruar 2017

Looking like serial killer?

05.02 Savona - Cuneo

Hääletamine Savonast Torinosse polnud üldse nii lihtne kui olin arvanud. Ootasin peaaegu 7 tundi Savona tanklas. Kõik, kes vaevusid midagi ütlema, väitsid end minevat Genova või Imperia suunas, teised tegid üldse näo nagu ei näeks mind :D. Kas ma näen tõesti nii ohtlik välja? Lõpuks pakkus üks ronija välimusega naine mulle küüti Cuneosse..... Kätte oli jõudnud see hetk, mil mind enam ei huvitanud, kuhu minek – peaasi,et miema sellest ebameeldivast kohast. Tuli välja, et mu päästja, Marta, tegeleski teatud määral ronimise ja muu outdoor tegevusega. Marta andis endast parima, et mulle hääletamiseks sobivat kohta leida, kuid pühapäeva õhtu on igati üks nõmedus. Otsustasin teha tiiru linnas ning leida veidi rahvast. Baar nimega „Lucertolo's“ (sisalik) oli ilmselt parim võimalik leid. Kaks leedukat olid ka sinna ära eksinud.

Hitchhiking from Savona to Torino was not as easy as I thought. Everybody was looking at me as a peace of shit or just tried to show that they didn’t see me. Yeah, maybe the rain has that strong influence to Italians.... It was raining really bad. There was a guy who smelled bad and looked at me with realy hungry face. I started to feel some danger, which is not very usual for me. 7 hours of waiting....  Do i look so dangerous? In the end one woman gave me lift to Cuneo (a town almost on the way to Toerino :D). She did her best to find for me next place for hitching, but in Piemonte petrol stations close at 22. So I decided to jump into the adventure again – night tour in Cuneo, some bar, a bit of people to talk to. I found a place called „Lucertolo's“ (a lizard), which was the best possible place I guess.
some local beer, bottle designed by barmen Marco


Kui Lucertolo's suleti, läksime koos sealsete töötajatega Ladina-Ameerika lokaali ning tantsisime bachatat ja reggetoni kuni kella 6-ni hommikul. Hommikul, kui oli aega taas teele asuda, et ükskord ka Torinosse jõuda, oli päris surnud tunne. Loomulikult olin ka veidi purjus peale kõiki neid caipirinhasid jne.

After closing the bar barmen Marco took me to South-American bar. Bachata and Reggaeton until 6 o'clock in the morning. The night was nice, but now I felt really dead.... and I was a bit drunk as well after all those caipirinhas and rum etc... Back to the road walkning and sleeping contemporarly...
Cuneo in the morning
Walking in Cuneo... mountains are quite close

I'd like to climb a bit....

Kõndisin kena 3 km ning hakkasin hääletama. Väiksematel maanteedel on see õnneks lihtsam kui kiirteeäärsetes tanklates. Kella 11 ajal jõudsin Torino kesklinna. Kui vaid saaks kusagil magada.... Oeh kella 14 ajal sain lõpiks magama... peale seda kui olime Lucaga mõnusa koguse pastat hävitanud. Õhtul kohtusime taas Luca ja Lorenzoga (kutid, kellega olin tutvunud Sarajevos). Nad tutvustasid mulle veidi kesklinna. Hetkel tiirutan üksi ringi. Aga tänaseks vist aitab,homme on ka päev!

I walked some 3-4 kms to get out of Cuneo and started to hitch. It was quite easy and I got to Torino for 11 o'clock. Only thing that I wanted was to sleep. Help me, Luca! Ok, he cooked some pasta and after destroying it I finally had the possibility to sleep :D. In the evening I went back to center to meet Luca and Lorenzo, who were busy with studying during the day (some people have exams right now :D). They showed me a bit of the center of Torino.... now I'm exploring alone :D..... But I think it's enough for today.... tomorrow is a new day

Torino.... a building

pühapäev, 5. veebruar 2017


02.02. Sulmona-Tortona
Peale väikest tiiru Sulmonas hakkasin hääletama. 3-4 küüti kuni Pescarani ning sealt edasi otse Piacenzani. Plaan oli Forlisse minna, kuid kuna sealne sõber ei vastano´ud sõnumitele, otsustasin jätkata kuni Piacenzani (autojuht läks Milanosse, mina tahtsin minna Genovasse). Piacenza juures sain oodata kena 3 tundi.... lühike küüt järgmise tanklani, sealt kohe edasi järgmise bensukani, milles veetsin kogu öö. Vähemalt seltskond oli hea - Dmitri ja Gianluca majutasid mind väga külalislahkelt..... Mingi nilbe vanamees, kes ei läinud sugugi Genovasse, arvas, et äkki tema võiks mind aidata.... Väga kahtlane tundus. Nägin kuidas ta kahe noore aafriklannaga autosse istus (mitte, et see midagi halba oleks, aga pigem karta kui kahetseda)

After a small tour in Sulmona I started to hitchhike towards Forli, where I planned to visit my friend Giada..... I got someshort rides until Pescara and then voila! To Milano...... As my friend was studying and didn't respond my sms and call, I passed by Forli and continued with the same car until Piacenza.... So now the plan was toget to Genova for the night (it was thursday, so I was thinking of party allready). Unfortunately it was not so easy to get to Genova..... Everybody was going to Milano, and most of locals thought that I was in wrong place (as they didn't know where is the turningpoint for Genova). After 3 hours waiting (I already started work out during this time :D) I get to Tortona with two short rides. There I needed to stay until morning.... luckily the employees there were nice guys. Big thank you to Dmitri and Gianluca!

03.02  Tortona-Imperia
Jah, enne oli küll plaan Genovasse minna, kuid kuna oli juba hommik ning seega pidu Genovas polnud enam aktuaalne, otsustasin kohe Imperiasse hääletada. Üks prantsuse rekkajuht tegi mulle veidi ruumi autos, ning 3 tunni möödudes olingi peaaegu kohal. Saatsin sõpradele sõnumi, et teatada oma saabumisest, aga paraku ei ole paljudel Itaallastel võimalust helistada/saata sõnumit eesti numbrile :D, niisiis vaastust ma ei saanud...... Selle asemel põrkasin Simonettaga kokku tänaval (Imperias). Ta pidi tööle minema, niisiis peale väikest blablablaad läksime oma teed, et õhtul taas kohtuda.

At six o'clock I got a ride to Imperia from a French truckdriver. Yeah, before I planned to go to Genova, but as it was already morning, I decided to not lose more tempo and go directly to visit my friends near Imperia. I met my friend Simonetta by case on the road.... she didn't have the possibility to call to my estonian tel. nr, so lucky us that we met :D.
After a caffe and some blablabla I started to explore the zone..... Sunshine reggae!

Väike jalutuskäik Imperiast Cervoni. Tuuline ja jahe oli, kuid vähemalt tervitas mind päike.
Imperia.... the port

Väike kaluri asula Diano al Mare lähedal. A small fishermen settlement near Diano al Mare

Diano al Mare....

Oranges everywhere.... and lemons.... and limoncino

Cervo, a medieval town close to San Bartolomeo

Õhtul küpsetas Moreno artišoki ja lambaliha piruka ning pizza, mida me üheskoos Simonetta ja Morenoga sõime kuni lõhkemiseni. Kui jutt käib Itaaliast, ei saa kunagi jätta rääkimata toidust :D ja veinist.

In the evening I met also Moreno and we had a nice dinner all together (Moreno, Simonetta, me and our good mood). Moreno cooked a delicios pie with artichoke and lamb meat, also one pizza and ofcourse we had some cheese and this kind of stuff for apperitivi :D. If we talk about Italy, we can never forget about food :D

04.02 Diano al Mare-Albenga (walking.... not 500 miles, but 33 kms... close enough)
Tahtsin Finalesse ronima minna, kuid ilmataat oli mu vastu.... sadas pussnuge. Niisiis laenasin Simonettalt vihmamantli ja otsustasin kõndima minna.

I had the plan to go climbing in Finale, but the god of weather was against me. It's raining men, hallelooyah! So I borrowed the impermeable mantle fromSimonetta, and hit the road by foot.
Walking to Andora

....and still the same road

From Andora I changed´the road.... I left via Aurelia and went to mountains... there I found this medieval Castle

Percorso medievale and some friends in the forest

Keskaegne tee. Percorso medievale


Somebody is planning to do suicide??

The dialect of Liguria. La bottega del olio

The wall of cyclers

Alassio, only 8 km left to Albenga

Almost in Albenga. Good view to the island where somebody is living :D
Mõtlesin lõpetada kõndimise Albengas.... Juba umbes 28 km kõnnitud. Aga tagasi Dianosse jõudmiseks oli küüti vaja...oeh, pidin kiirteele jalutama. Veel 5 km nende villis jalgadega. :D Vähemalt sain end natuke liigutada, kuid järgmisel korral võtan teise paari jalatseid kaasa.

I thought to finish walking in Albenga, but as I also needed to get back to Diano, so I walked another 5 kms to highway, where my friends picked me up (they were returning from Piemonte). All together ca. 33 kms.... next time I take another pair of shoes with me :D

In the evening: soup of lentils, degustation of Vana Tallinn and exchange of liquores :D. We finished my VanaTallinn and sostituted it with home made limoncello.

05.02 Tour in Savona
Jälle sajab.... seekord pussnugade asemel kirveid. Niisiis jällegi ei mingit ronimist. Tegime hoopis väikese tiiru Savonas, sedagi vaid katusealustel tänavatel.

Raining again.... worse than yesterday. No climbing! ;(
Small tour in Savona, following streets which were under the roofs (portici)

In conclusion I need to say that Liguria is quite similar to Costiera Amalfitana.... as the micro climate and nature (rocks - a bit steeper in costiera, but the vegetation is quite similar, climate- usually sunny, a bit cooler in Liguria but....). I was a bit unlucky - there is 360 days of sunshine, and I found 2 days out of 5 without it.

Hetkel olen tanklas ja üritan Torinosse hääletada. Vedasin Morenoga kihla, mis kell kohale jõuan. Mina ütlesin, et kell 21, tema oli positiivsem ning arvas, et 19. Selleks, et võita kihlvedu, raiskan praegu aega ning kirjutan blogi :D

Right now I'm in petrol station, trying to hitchhike to Torino. I bet that I get there at 9 pm and Moreno bet that 7 pm.... That's why I'm writing the blog..... to waste some time and win the wager :D