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kolmapäev, 26. aprill 2017

põgenemine halva ilma eest/ escape from bad weather

Tšehhis sadas vihma :(. Olgu, jõuab ju sloveenias ära käia 3 päevaga. Õhtuks olin Triestes....
 ja ööseks  sloveenias Koperis, mis on vaid 15-20 km kaugusel sihtkohast Ospist.

a street of Koper
Getting closer to Osp
Päeval sain Ospis 5 tundi ronidagi...4 Tiroollasega ;).
Aga homme peaks pussnuge sadama, niisiis tuleb mingi uus plaan leiutada. Vb lahen samade ronimiskuttidega Ljubljanasse ning sealt ohtul edasi pohja poole. Peale väikest kokkamist läksin Triestesse ning leidsin imelise kohviku/bistroo Bike Bistro
Igatahes huvitavaid roniprojekte aina koguneb tulevikuplaanidesse.... praegu (26. aprillil kell 23.53) olen Opicinas ning jutud kaivad, et ka siin on imelised kaljud.

Well,it was really bad weather in Czech Republic so i decided to go to slovenia (Osp) for 1-2 days (i need to return to southern poland for friday evening...). Got there for the night thanks to some really fast and some very long rides. The truck-driver who picked me up near Brno and took to Trieste was maybe the most symphatic trucker I have met.... etc. Trieste was not so interesting at night, thats why I ended up in Koper at 3 am. In the morning I hitched to Osp and joined one group of Sud-Tirolian guys for climbing. I'm not gonna describe those emotions :D, you need to try it yourself. Tomorrow is bad weather again, so I need to find a new place to escape... direction north... For the evening I went to Trieste again and I found a really cosy bistro there: Bike Bistro. Made by bicycle enthusiasts.... I enjoyed wine and chatting with those guys there. For the night I escaped to Opicina, where I was hosted by lady who last picked me up. It's raining men, halleloojah....
I need to escape from Europe I guess.

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