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reede, 27. jaanuar 2017

Back to third home, Potenza

Kus ma nüüd pooleli jäingi.... Rooma lähedal vist. Üks rekkajuht proovis "õnne". Olin juba rekkasse roninud, kui sain aru, et parem mõte oleks sealt jalga lasta. Juhi silmist peegeldus liiga palju rõve-magusat kavalust ning tahtis teine juba käsigi külge panna..... Niisiis naasin hääletama. Aega võttis, aga asja sai - Massimo ja Concetta olid oivalised teekaaslased. Juttu oleks jätkunud kauemakski, kuid Caserta juures läksid teekonnad lahku :D.
Järgmine juht oli üks väga usklik vanahärra, kellel raadiost kõlas koguaeg "Meie isa" palve ning mingisugune teine, minu jaoks tundmatu palve (see kordus iga laulu järel.... laulud olid loomulikult jumalast ja lootusest :D). Esimene küsimus, mille härra mulle esitas, oli: "mis usku Te olete?" Saades teada šokeeriva tõe, et olen ateist, tundis ta mulle kaasa ning andis teada, et tema küll ei tahaks minu pükstes olla sel hetkel kui ma ükskord jumalaga kohtun ja aru saan, et olen terve elu suurest rumalusest ta olemasolu ignoreerinud või lausa eitanud. Õnneks läksime me juba Salerno juures lahku :D
Järgmine juht, kes mu ka Potenzasse sõidutas, oli hoopis huvitavam vestluspartner.
Mis te arvate, mis oli mu esimene tegevus kohale jõudes? Loomulikult ronimine. Rahvas polnud palju vahetunud/muutunud. :D

So, where did I finish last time?  Near Rome, direction to Napoli? Yeah, there was a truckdriver, who tried his "luck and fishing skills". I was already in the truck, when I understood that it woluld be better idea to escape. The driver looked too sweet-obscene and made weird questions. My intuition told me to leave and of course I did it. It took time to find my next victims, but it was worth it. Massimo and Concetta were good companions until Caserta. We had a lot and even a bit more to talk about.
The next driver was an elderly and very religious man. His radio was playing Radio Maria - one song and many prayers etc. The first question he asked was: "from which religion are you?" He was really worried about me when i said that i'm atheist. He told: "I wouldn't like to be in your pants when you finally meet the God and understand how ignorant you have been all the time" :D ;) Fortunately the ride was short, only from Caserta to Salerno.
The next driver, who took me directly to Potenza, was much better talking partner.
You'll guess what was my first activity when I arrived?? Climbing of course
Potenza all-linna tuled. Potenza at night.

25-27 jaanuar. Potenza
Pierluigi võõrustas mind, nagu ikka :D..... ronimine, kohtumine sõpradega jne. Istusin 2 päeva ülikoolis ja kirjutasin esseed nagu poleks reisil olles muud teha. Püha "Mullateadus II". Nüüd hakkan Eboli poole liikuma... Ja siis Costiera Amalfitana, kaljud, meri, telk ja tõenäoliselt veel valusamad sõrmed (praeguseks olen 4 päeva järjest boulderdanud ehk inimkeeles öeldes roninud)

My friend Pierluigi hosted me as always :). Doing normal things: climbing, meeting some friends etc. Actually most of the time during those days I was writing precis for "Soil Science II". Bloody hell, I need to say..... The best way to spend my holydays. I just sent this piece of **it to professor.....Now, Gessica, here I come. Hitchhiking to Eboli. And then to Costiera Amalfitana for real climbing. Yeah, my fingers will hurt even more in some days :D

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